Tago is the single piece that hasn't changed or improved in YEARS now. The free pass he gets is f**ked. You can see no matter who's inside or outside of him do not trust him at all.
He's also offering f**k all with the ball. He used to be dynamic and break tackles at will.
He's one of the most disappointing players I can think of from the last 20 years
I came to this thread wanting to agree with the Tago defamation squad in particular with his defence but thought to myself - if I want to criticise him I had better back it up with examples. So I fired up the highlights and was quite surprised when he came up relatively good.
Sure, he is no Critta, whose anticipation, long length and great technique often locks down his edge and helps everyone around him, but at least in this game against the Bunnies he was hardly at fault.
I will agree with the assessment that he has been disappointing, and that his attacking prowess is greatly diminished (maybe the League is onto him now that he is a known quantity?). He has not been his best self since his peck tear in late 2023 and doesn’t represent good value for money ATM but in saying that, we don’t have better options in the squad.
After viewing the highlights the player I was most disappointed in was Martin. Yeah he scored a brilliant try but he was also involved in several of our defensive lapses and made some silly errors as well. As a senior player who has been in 5 grand finals in a row and is a rep player I expected him to step up and be better.
Alamoti was also poor but it’s tough justifying being harsh on him given how inexperienced he is and how much he is being shifted around.
Obviously the biggest disaster of the night was Daine Laurie who was awful and as has been pointed out, isn’t exactly a young rookie anymore. I hope to God he just had a very off night but something tells me he is a rocks and diamonds player. I’d rather have a reliable 6/10 semi plodder fullback then a fullback who can give you an 8/9 out of 10 but can almost just as often give you a 2 or 3 as well.