perhaps. i'd prefer to just have a half that can tackle.
in other news, Rusty seems to have gotten sick of being shown up with fact, critical thinking and reason (oh... and the fact that he completely blew his load too early regarding Bennett endorsing Mullo for origin). there's a surprise. better check your facts before you go off early again, champ. a simple google of "Bennett Mullen Origin" could have avoided your total embarrassment there.
Why because Bennett said "Yes a a 5/8?" Wow what an endorsement. Lol. What other options did he have? You check your facts perverse. Mullen is an average 5/8 and that's it. Check your stats and watch other games while you're there. Norman had a good one last night didn't he? How long has he been in first grade again? Oh that's right *cue* 'they have a better forward pack' and all the other shitty excuses you come up with.
Continue patting yourself on the back genius and perhaps get a life outside of a rugby league forum.