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Rugby League Dying...


from today's Herald:

League on the losing side

Mike Carlton
July 15, 2006

ANOTHER rugby league player defects to rugby union. Clinton Schifcofske, fullback for the Canberra Raiders, has gone over to the Queensland Reds.

"He's an exceptional athlete who has a great attitude, fantastic skills and excellent leadership skills," said Eddie Jones, the Reds' coach.

"His 85 per cent success rate at goal-kicking will also prove a valuable asset to Queensland."

Well, yes. The way the Reds have been going, your average plodder from the Wombat U16Bs would probably be an asset as well.

Crystal ball-gazing in the wake of the soccer (oh all right, football) World Cup, I suspect that league is on a slow but inexorable decline in Australia.

The Crikey.com.au website reported on Wednesday that this season's NRL crowds are down by almost 10 per cent. The once mighty Roosters, now bumping along near the bottom of the comp, have lost about 23 per cent of their home game fans.

Ten years out, the football scene will look like this: the AFL will maintain its stranglehold in Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania, and to a lesser extent in Western Australia.

Soccer will rise to become a truly national code, especially if Australia does well at the next World Cup in four years.

Union, with the glamour and money of big-time international football, will cream off more and more league players and crowds, especially if the code junks some of the impenetrable penalty laws which litter the game.

If the News Ltd empire then pulls out of its investment in league, the rest, as they say, is history.

What a wank


Er, if you want to talk about a decline, Carlton, look at Union since their 03 World Cup. It's gone into the toilet.

Soccer simnply doesn't have a quality domestic product to dominate here. People spoiled by watching the skills of the World Cup will be horrified by how sh*t the A-League really is.

How are poorly-researched (crikey.com is his only source for "facts"???) articles with a clear agenda like this ever let through to press? Journalism is dead.


Last nights game is proof enough that it doesn't matter how many players Union want, Rugby League is not dying and never will.


First Grade
Raider Ultra said:
Why? I'm just interested in hearing...

Cross and Shif are not any great loss to a game that pumps out 2 teams of rookies each year.... Shif has a career success rate of 73% kicking at goal. He makes them out to be massive losses.

On the last bit of BS about news, what happens if Fox sport stops broadcasting Union?

There is plenty of room in the sports market in Australia for Soccer. Especially considering there is room in the market for a sh*t game like Union.

Big Bunny

This is barely even worth commenting on. The tool has been saying the same damn thing since long before the superleague war broke out. He's no different to every other wishful thinking idiot who has been death-riding rugby league since it began in 1895.

What a sad little man Carlton is.

Mr Saab

Is this the 2UE Mike Carlton?
If so then it is humerous. This is the same Carlton who had to have Peter Fitzsimmons join him for his breakfast show because on his own he was being hammered in the ratings....still is actually.

Ziggy the God

First Grade
64,000 watch the biggest game of the year on Melbourne TV. S14 is not even shown on FTA, because the last time they did, they tanked.

Mr Carlton, the Wallabies have been the proxy for drawing support across the nation. I think you will find that the Socceroos have usurped the role at the national level.

Lastly, I guess sitting in that booth with Fitz for so long, has caused your brain to turn to mush. That and your left wing crap idealogy that has seen you on the losing side for over a decade.


What astupid article..

If RL ever had to rely on old RU players to be "stars" in their team (see reds RU mob) .. then RL is in trouble.

He should just wait until the money from the new TV deal starts to flow into the NRL.

He should be asking why RU has no player depth and why crowds for the Brumbies dropped considerably.
Carlton is a monumental wanker.

S14 crowds are down on average in Australia and NZ, Currie Cup crowds are embarrassing, SOO ratings are more than double those of Bledisloe, they're having difficulty selling out the test v South Africa, the first place Union coaches look for players isn't the Union juniors lists, it's the "off-contract" lists at LU, S14 is still not on FTA TV and they have a World Cup next year that no one here cares about.

The game in trouble isn't Rugby League....

Saint 60

lol Carlton has to be a Union or AFL supporter..he couldnt be that stupid and follow nobody...

Marriage is not a lottery...
in a lottery u have a chance.


hahaha losing Shif to union is hardly a big deal. its not like SBW, Gasnier, Marshall and Thurston all jumped ship or something.

if we wanna talk a code on struggle street, lets look at union paying top dollar for a 30 yr old fullback from a consistently second rate team. sure hes a great player and his was good in origin this year, but hes a hardly a bright young superstar abandoning league for union. and how about the constant attempts at poaching from our ranks. HELLOOOO DESEPRATION! its not talented players they need, they are buying league players for publicity in the hope someone will actually give a crap about the Super 14s...its pathetic.

how can anyone see last nights match and then write this tripe??

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