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Rugby League Dying...


Post Whore
Everlovin' Antichrist said:
An effeminate haircut?

:lol: actually i was just trying to think why that name rings a bell. The best i could do was that its something my more metro mates might ask their hair dresser for

Mr Saab

Mike Carlton is the most obnoxious man on radio. More so than Alan Jones, Steve Price and Stan Zemanek and thats saying something.

Perth Red

Post Whore
Why do SMH print this stuff? I thought Sydney was a RL city? if so why does the SMH risk alienating its readership? it would be like the West Australian putting the boot into AFL, it'll never happen. Is the SMH not the paper of choice for the RL world of NSW?


Post Whore
big call on stan zemanek, surely cartlon cant be as f**ked in the head as him!
though this article does suggest otherwise

Mr Saab

Stan is fine. At least he likes Rugby League.
Carlton is just a leather patches man who comes across on radio that he is some kind of elitist.

Mr Saab

I dont want to debate about stan. He is obnoxious to the majority, but i like him.
Mike Carlton....he is a tosser of the highest order.


The SMH does have a bit of a lean towards to rugby, but not much - its probably because as the local broadsheet its aimed slightly at the upper class. The SMH is a fairfax paper so pride themselves on having lots of different and often conflicting opinions in the same paper - basically they let their writers shoot their gobs off with whatever they want in the opinion pieces.

All the papers cover all the sports in sydney, theres not really a particular hatred or bias towards any sport. RL gets more coverage as its definitely most popular, but the swans and waratahs (and wallabies and socceroos) get backpages pretty often too.


First Grade
Perth Red said:
Why do SMH print this stuff?

Because it gets people like you riled up and reading their articles.

Articles are written to sell copies of the paper......sure, you may not like what they are saying...but you are reading the articles, are you not?


First Grade
Don't get me wrong, I like Union but to suggest it's going to take over from Rugby League in the northern states is truely stupid.

It's a SMH article though, what do you expect? They have pushed the Wallabies and Swans for years ahead of RL.


First Grade
greenhat said:
The SMH is a fairfax paper so pride themselves on having lots of different and often conflicting opinions in the same paper

Differing and conflicting opinions? :lol: Dear god, do you work in Fairfax's marketing department?

Both Newspapers are trash in Sydney, but at least the Telecrap gives more coverage to League than anything else (Most of the time)

Green Machine

First Grade
Thomas said:
Because it gets people like you riled up and reading their articles.

Articles are written to sell copies of the paper......sure, you may not like what they are saying...but you are reading the articles, are you not?

There is no doubt the Sydney Morning Herald has more diversified political opinions than the Daily Telegraph. As for sport, Mike Carlton, Spiro Zavos, Peter FitzSimons and Paul Sheehan have an ideological problem with the sport of Rugby League. The AFL writer, Richard Hinds likes to partake in writing negative articles about Rugby League. Very rarely does the SMH write negative crap about the AFL or the ARU. If they are trying to get Rugby League people to buy the SMH to get riled up, it is not working. Their readership is a long way behind the Daily Telegraph,

By the way, Mike Carlton’s column is inside, on the second page of the News Review section of the Saturday paper (only). This little bit of crap was tacked on to one of his political opinion pieces. Mike would be best served in diversifying his opinion and not relying on opinions from conversation at lower North Shore dinner parties, attended by old boys who spent many a lonely night together in a private school dorm. If he realised that, maybe his falling ratings on 2UE would pick up. He may even realise that his best friend Peter FitzSimons is a complete tool and another reason why his rating are falling even further,


Heres some more rubbish from Carlton dating back to 2003

Leather patched toffee nosed dinosaur said:
Last hurrahs for league's dying breed

Yet cold common sense tells you that rugby league is slowly dying. Saying so will enrage its fans, who will bombard me with emails about rah-rah toffs in tweed jackets with leather patches.

But the game is now a peculiar and obscure beastie isolated in a tiny corner of the world, like the giant tortoise of the Galapagos Islands.
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For proof of this, look no further than the coming Kangaroo tour to Britain.
Once, league players would fall over themselves for the honour of wearing the Australian green and gold in Leeds and Wigan. Now they are falling over themselves to be "unavailable".

Contrast this to the Rugby World Cup, the world's biggest sporting event this year. In time, league will fade and fold back into union, and Australia will be unbeatable. But it will take a while yet.


Take a while? Never Mike, it will never happen, at least he waited until the year after a record breaking season to drag up this rubbish again, how stupid is the guy, or how blind? Maybe it's senility.


Raider_69 said:
big call on stan zemanek, surely cartlon cant be as f**ked in the head as him!
though this article does suggest otherwise

At least Stan is a League man. Last year he used to play the rugby League song that goes..."Playing rugby League football...etc".
