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Rugby League Dying...


roosterbooster1 said:
from today's Herald:

Union, with the glamour and money of big-time international football, will cream off more and more league players and crowds, especially if the code junks some of the impenetrable penalty laws which litter the game.

super 14 glamour and money..


Principal among these is the position of the Ellis Park stadium. Government intervention notwithstanding, the centre of Johannesburg is not somewhere the vast majority of the rugby-watching public wishes to go, particularly after dark.

Several years ago the Golden Lions Rugby Union (GLRU) attempted to address this issue by implementing a “park and ride” scheme, allowing spectators to park their cars 10km away and be bused in and out. Great idea, underutilised, because most Johannesburgers, given the choice between losing a leg and losing their car, would happily hop the rest of their lives away.

Then there’s the issue of security while actually at the ground. Last Friday, while the Cats/Force game was under way, four men with AK-47s robbed the ticket desk.

They didn’t get away with much because the crowd was miniscule, but that’s hardly the point. This is the point: the players are not immune.


the ploy to get league players over is unions hope that league fans will begin to watch super 14 to follow the progress of our once favorite stars...

matt rogers used to be my fav player and i have watched him one play super 14 game and a couple of tests (all of which he got injured in) so i dont think that strategy is working.

Godz Illa

Missed Gasnier, missed Tonga. Signed Schifcofske. League is dying. Something is not quite right with this equation.


This would be the same Union that can no longer sellout big Wallaby matches in it's heartlands? Tonights match still has plenty of tickets for sale. Wallaby crowds are on a massive slide. The wallaby jersey has lost it's number 1 aussie jersey spot to the socceroo jersey, and their national coverage of Wallaby matches is on a knife's edge. How exactly are things looking good for Union?


what about the crowd at the adelaide oval for aussie a vs fiji just 6 thousand.
The real code in trouble is union, the soccer boys have them worried the way the unified all footy fans as union relies on the whole national pride.
The fact is after watching that bloody boring cup the game is flawed blokes offside all the time, game slowed up by ruck congestion & hands on ball.
Stop start of scrums, line outs, kicking all the bloody time.
Rugby union can go on about the international thing, but the game as a spectacle sucks, piss off of the contested ruck, mauls, line outs............it is just to slow.
Come october fans will get to the tri series in droves the rugby league version, where it will be a spectacle.


First Grade
Has anybody phoned him about this article?

There is nothing in the electronic version of the letters' section in the SMH.

More on the Global game,:) this time the All Blacks V Argentina game played a few weeks ago in Argentina.

(a post from the IRB site:)

...agree with you, my tape of the Arg v NZ game finally arrived, and I have had time to start watching it.

The ground had BIG areas with no one there.
How many were there?


Small field as well.

No way would argentina sell out.


Post Whore
wouldnt wipe my arse with that article.

It presents absolutely no reasons why league is going to die, and offers no reasons why the other sports will take our crown... our crowds are down... WHOOPIE! Wasnt last year our best season ever crowd wise? if thats right, the likely scenario was that crowds would be down on a record figure

League will forever live on in this country, especially on the east coast and none of soccer, yawion or AFL can take our crown


Carlton has been saying the same crap for as long as I've known who he is. He is probably the most anti RL bloke going around. At least I've seen some positive stuff out Fitzy once in a while, who even had some complimentary things to say about the Tri Nations last year.

But if Mike Carlton think Rl is dying:crazy:


Union poach a 30 year old player from a constant underachieving team, and league is on the decline?

Where are all these "superstar" juniors we keep hearing about? Just like union crowds - they are non-existant.


Yawnion is strictly for sad ole private school boy elitists and try hard band wagon riding wankers.

Union games give them a place to air kiss and drink chardy and stay the f*ck away from the rest of us. Let them "rah rah rah" in their empty little stadiums with fellow imbeciles like Mike Colman where they wont pollute the gene pool with their smug, boring, little crappy game.

In Schifs case, good luck to him. There was no way a 30 year old has been was going to crack any of the 3 Qld league teams, so to get home, he signed with the Reds. That says more about his desperation and theirs than it does league.


Delic it's Mike Carlton!

Roosters06, the only Union junior we keep hearing about is Kurtly Beale. An Aboriginal kid from Sydney's western suburbs who grew up playing Rugby League. Luckily for union one of their schools decided to give him a scholarship. But he's hardly a successful product of Union's junior development. The kid has been hyped up so far, it will be interesting to see how he handles the pressure.