My point is more that if the product was costing the same then the economy of scale excuse for poorer quality and lower available budgets and therefor resources is relevant. But not when BA games are priced 20-30 dollars over the others. Whilst it may still fall under the economy of scale umbrella it's not an 'ok' excuse or justification for a shitty creative product.
Well, to start with I was just at EB yesterday and I see the new FIFA is being sold at $114, so RLL4 isn't actually being priced "above" the sort of new EA Sports titles everyone likes to compare them to, but anyway that's kind of beside the point.
I think you're looking at this all wrong to be honest. Pointing out that economies of scale limit what a developer can do with a tiny sport like Rugby League whilst also demanding that the price point be at the higher end for games is a simple statement of fact - it's not a value judgement on what's
"ok". It's just how the economics of game development stack up - no more nor less than that.
People here like to hate on BA because their games are average and their CEO is a bit of a douchebag, but to be frank it wouldn't matter who was developing it because the market simply isn't anywhere remotely large enough to justify the investment and IP necessary to meet the standards everyone have thanks to the mega sports like soccer, Basketball or American Football.
People have short memories too - before BA, Sidhe never got much love for their work with League (in fact their CEO says he's glad never to work on another footy title ever again because of the abuse he copped), Wickedwitch did bugger all with Union and BigBen's work for the Euro union market was outright panned by fans and critics to a degree not even BigAnt have suffered.