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Rules - which ones tick you off


I'd like to see voluntary tackle penalties. Every game you see someone dive on a loose ball and lie there like a turtle, then finally realise they better get up - that should be a penalty.


First Grade
Then why is the lock allowed to pick up the ball? wouldnt it be considered putting hands in the scrum and thus be a penalty. the ball is out once it passes the second row.. thus they call 'OUT'. And besides half the time the ball doesn't go in the tunnel at all.


Frailty said:
Just a question... when do you think the ball is out of the scrum?

When the ball clears the lock's feet. Not when it gets chucked into the backrow.


Same as rugby union.

Last man has always been allowed to have a dig.

So for mine its out when the ball goes past his hind feet, or he plays at it.


First Grade
Thats good if its for you... but the rule is once it passes the last row of forwards... which is the second row as one person can not be a row of forwards. And you find the scrum rule is completely different to that of unions.


I hate seeing six again rewarded if a player puts a grubber through that is stopped by another players feet...sometimes and often, it is contentious whether the player actually plays at the ball.
If the kick is not good enough to clear a player then it shouldnt be rewarded with six again if the attacker regathers it.
This will take out one of many 50/50 calls.


The 40:20 rule i think it punishes the defense for keeping a side in their own half. If team A kicks the ball out, team B feeds the scrum.


I think the double-movement rule is applied inconsistently. I hate it. When your arm or the ball lands on the ground the sliding stops the momentum is over. No lifting and replacing the ball. No promoting the ball.

In general the inconsistent application of the rules really irks me. You can get two identical incidents at two different games and one is penalty, or no try, or whatever, and the next is not a penalty or a try is awarded or whatever. It's dead set annoying.

Also time off rules. If there's 90 seconds to go the ref will blow time off that if it were only 90 seconds INTO the game, they wouldn't. That's rubbish. either it deserves time off or not. Nothing to do with how many seconds left on the clock.


First Grade
Feeding scrums properly. None of this put it through the legs of the last forward. Put it in the guts and make them fight for it.


Get rid of teh scrum altogether, just get the forwards to pack down to take them out of play and let the number 7 take a quick tap.


I'm pretty happy with the rules as they are, I remember all the reasons why certain rules were brought in in recent years. Btw, surrendering in the tackle isn't a penalty any more. Now the ref yells out surrender and defending players are allowed extra time laying down in the tackle to make up for it. Hazem must be crying!

The only rules I hate are ones that are applied inconsistently, especially to the Roosters, i.e. throwing the ball off the ground.


the volentury tackle rule...needs to be fixed up, how many times does a player stay on the ground without being touched yet the ref calls play on


First Grade
By far the stupidest rule is 'Ref's call'. Instead they should decide once and for all who is going to get the benefit of the doubt, my preference is for the defending team, but really as long as it is applied consistantly I don't care. Lets just say it is the same as now and benefit goes to the attacking team. So in a close try situation, the ref doesn't see it, goes upstairs to the video ref, he still can't figure it out, obviously then in this situation there is sufficient doubt and the try is awarded. Every time. Much simpler.

I also think they should be a bit tougher on high tackles. It seems nowadays hardly anyone only gets a penalty for a high tackle. They either let it go or its sufficiently bad and it goes on report.

I'd like to see the double movement rule relaxed if anything. You should be able to stretch out with your arm. As it is it is a shambles.

Scrums : i don't know what the rule is now buit it should be that the ball is out either when the lock picks it up or when it passes his feet. A scrum should be an advantage but so many times the first tackle is behind the line of the scrum.
Connell said:
If they take away the stripping rule then all you will see is 4 on 1 tackles with the opposition coming away with the ball most of the time. Keep the rule, its good.

The one i hate is the time limit on the kicks at goal. Why not just take time off right away???

Can you imagine if souths(obviously you could also insert knights before some clever dick comments) played a fullstrength broncos at the moment, the game would last for hours!
I can see why this rule came in but its very frustating when it happens to your team and I am sure you've all blown up at different times.

That a player cant have a hand on the ground when they play the ball.


Striker said:
The 40:20 rule i think it punishes the defense for keeping a side in their own half. If team A kicks the ball out, team B feeds the scrum.

you're right it punishes good defence but it rewards a wonderful kick.

however i noticed that some posters said a charge down should be a knock on. as above, i think when a team gets the ball back from a charge down they should regain possession but the tackle count shouldn't be restarted. restarting the count penalises good defense & rewards a bad kick. teams are coached to set properly for kicks & if they are slack & the defense can prevent a kick, they shouldn't be penalised by having another set against them.

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