Why did they have only 39% possesion?
Who forced them to give away 5 extra penalties?
Why did they complete at only 66%?
Why did their fullback have 2 errors?
These are the same things that had us 0-6 at the start of the season.
I have said this many times. Possession is earned. They (Dragons) didn't earn the right to have equal possession. They were soft and error riddled. We were good, but not that freaking good. They lost the ruck by being weak up front, then frustration sets in and they gave away more possession through penalties and so on and so on.
Just like when we are soft, and we get the same thing happening to us. Very rarely does a team that is actually playing well at the ruck not end up with at least an equal amount of possession. This we or they didn't have enough possession crap is for the birds.
You can always re-balance the possession rate if you play well enough in the ruck, by dominating it in defense and or attack. It is an excuse offered up by both players and coaches, especially focusing on the penalty count, when on the losing side and many commentators just parrot what they hear. Use your own eyes and learn to do some critical thinking. Coaches are lairs. I rarely make my decisions on footy on coaches public opinions. They have made bulls shit speak and art form. That is part of their job.
Possession is decided mostly by each teams own performances with the exception being on the rare side.