That's so true mate.
I've done hundreds of gigs at festivals and wineries over the years and the amount of people that can't control their alcohol intake is insane.
I'm no wowser and am always up for a drink and a bit of fun but when you see so many people so maggoted that they lose control of their faculties, walking around drinking $60 bottles of wine like stubbies while the majority can have a few drinks, enjoy the wine and have a fun day you have to wonder what's going on. Some of the stuff I've seen at what are supposed to be classy events just makes you shake your head.
I also get where Pete's coming from, the amount of nanny state regulations that are brought in that in the end just make it so difficult for the wineries to even put events on is getting out of hand.
Like you said, it's a few ruining it for the majority.
The law states alcohol must be served by a RSA accredited person on a licenced premises
The bar at the race track is licenced, and served by RSA accredited person...
Why the difference in servicing laws, ie why is one permitted to serve full strength and the other only MID STRENGTH..That's what I can't understand.
Would these laws be implemented at MAJOR racing Melbourne Cup...
Nanny State rules are killing off people's right to make decisions
My point is, if we keep letting Governments "think' for us, and determine what is right for us, we will always be under the pump.
People no longer are prepared to accept be told they are not adult enough to make their own decisions
We would be a much better world if everyone expressed their honest opinion about everything and anything that they deal with in their daily lives. We don’t even need to have an opinion anymore, let alone express.....if you want to know what I think just check it out in the knows absolutely everything about everything.
How in God’s name do we ever develop any degree of personal responsibility for our actions when the opportunity is continually being taken away from us by people who for some unknown reason believe they need to make decisions for us poor undeveloped lesser beings who don’t know how to make a responsible decision.
In an honest world we would well know that we make the decisions for ourselves and wear the responsibility for them.........Taking away my right to do just that is an abuse of my human rights, and does nothing to help any of us grow and develop in a responsible human being.