This is a copy of a letter I had published in the local paper - a copy of which has been forwarded to Adrian Piccoli, Member for Murray (based in Griffith)...I have had no response....So Far...I am following it up, and have had great feedback from my community that has the same fears as I have...
I think the question needs to be asked "Why are Nanny State laws being applied to Hay's Biggest Day Out - and why is it necessary to apply ridiculous restrictions on the responsible serving of legal products?
Of course I am referring to the restrictions placed on the Hay Jockey Club by the Licensing Police that only Mid Strength Alcohol was to be served at the recent Hay Cup Race meeting - and that drinks served in the popular marquees on the course be done by a person with Responsible Service of Alcohol Certificate.
Why these rules were attached to the Licensing of the Bar at the Course is a huge concern. It was the talking point of the day at the track It means that the State Government does not TRUST adults over the age of 18 to 'self regulate' and know when enough is enough.
What is the difference between an Adult 18 years and over asking for a full strength alcoholic drink in a Club /Hotel, served by a RSA accredited barperson, and a patron at a Licensed function, served by by RSA accredited barpersons - who are supervised by Licensed Security Guards - with another Inspector wearing a RSA SUPERVISOR vest keeping an eye on everyone.
Is it at the instruction of the Baird Lib/NP Government, or is it just the whim of the Deniliquin LAC Police.
The Hay Jockey Club conducts an outstanding event - a real community occasion and a venue for community get togethers, school reunions, early Christmas Parties etc.
To my knowledge the days have been incident free for the past couple of decades.
The Jockey Club arranges for transport to and from the course eliminating the need for patrons to take vehicles to the event.
The Club provides "after race music' to keep the patrons in the one spot without the need to move on.
This year, seemingly because of the licencing restrictions. the number of marquees 'let' for the day' was down considerably.
The patrons departed from the course soon after the last race, and the Band played to the people left at the course cleaning up, with patrons "heading down town' to exercise their choice of legal beverages.
I am wondering if such strict Licensing laws apply to Race Meetings in the Capital and Regional Centres.
Race meetings are a huge part of the social and economic fabric of life in the bush.
Little communities like Hay, Carrathool, Moulamein, Balranald, Hillston, Berrigan, Jerilderie, Deniliquin rely on them for 'entertainment' and for an influx of tourist dollars.
The people of the electorate of Orange recently sent a huge message to the State Government, with a 34% swing to cost the Government one of its safest seats.
It caused the leader and deputy leader of the National Party to stand down from their positions. The swing was a result of voter dissatisfaction with issues like Greyhound Racing and Council amalgamations.
Our local member, Adrian Piccoli is a Minister in the Baird Government and is one who sits in on a Cabinet drafting these rules to affect us ADULTS in the bush..He is a member of a Party that CLAIMS to have the interests of Country people at its heart. From decisions made in the past decade affecting little towns like ours I am very doubtful of that. From the demolition of the Public Service sector in our town, to these outrageous licensing restrictions placed on "Our Big Day Out" - I find that impossible to believe.
Mr Piccoli holds the seat with a 30% majority. He probably thinks that it is safe enough to not care about decisions affecting us.
My point is, if we keep letting Governments "think' for us, and determine what is right for us, we will always be under the pump.
People no longer are prepared to accept be told they are not adult enough to make their own decisions We would be a much better world if everyone expressed their honest opinion about everything and anything that they deal with in their daily lives. We don’t even need to have an opinion anymore, let alone express.....if you want to know what I think just check it out in the knows absolutely everything about everything.
How in God’s name do we ever develop any degree of personal responsibility for our actions when the opportunity is continually being taken away from us by people who for some unknown reason believe they need to make decisions for us poor undeveloped lesser beings who don’t know how to make a responsible decision.
In an honest world we would well know that we make the decisions for ourselves and wear the responsibility for them.........Taking away my right to do just that is an abuse of my human rights, and does nothing to help any of us grow and develop in a responsible human being.
Are we prepared to cop it, or do we want our local member to explain why it is necessary to impose restrictions?
Yours faithfully
This is a follow up I sent to Mr Piccoli today....
Has Mr Piccoli had the opportunity to seek information from the Deniliquin Licensing Police as to why such stringent conditions are placed on the Responsible Servicing of Alcohol by accredited bar people at the VERY SUCCESSFUL HAY CUP RACE MEETING?
Is he aware that such stringent conditions will almost guarantee the demise of a COMMUNITY DAY that is so well attended by a crowd so well behaved?
I am gonna keep on it until I receive a satisfactory response. We DON'T HAFTA COP IT...
What's the old saying? "You get the politicians and media you deserve"