Did we save 10% on moses, brown, penisini, matterson and talagi?
Who knows? It could've been 20%, it could've been 5%. But it must've been worth something to us or else why would we have agreed to it? And if it wasn't, why didn't every player have a PO?
How much is 10% of talagis contract?? 10k?
Talagi's management knew there would probably be high demand for him for 2025 and so committing beyond 2024 represented massive opportunity cost for him. Committing for longer than a year would've come at a much bigger price than whatever he was getting paid in his rookie year. In this case the risk and savings benefit of the PO would've been irrelevant, as you imply. Maybe it only saved $10k, but on the other hand, there was minimal risk of him turning out worthless (or getting injured and becoming worthless) and then activating the PO and us being stuck with him in the 2025 top 30.
Options are all about balancing risk vs reward. You need to keep in mind the risk isn't that the player will leave. That's a possibility for every off-contract player. The risk is that the player will activate the PO and stay when we want him off the books.