In my opini0on, our biggest problems are at the Board level and not much will change until this problem is addressed. Appointing Craig Young as Chairman of the Board (along with Doust being the big power-brokers of the Club) gives the wrong message to everyone. It says that self-interest is rewarded at St George Illawarra.
I am very sure that the appointment of Dean Young as our next head coach is at the front of mind of our Chairman right now. Griffin will stay in place until the Board is ready to appoint Dean.
The only solution to our problems is to first replace the entire St George Leagues Club Board, then the St George Football Club Board, and then those St George Illawarra Board members from the St George side. A really big feat but that is what is required to get some decent people in charge. Hopefully, if this happens, the WIN Corp representatives on the Board will wither change their ways or join the idea of change.
A big influx of St George Leagues Club members with voting rights is what will begin this process. Ideally, there would also need to be some amongst these new members that are of a mind to bring about such change.