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Sack mcgregor


I am hoping a review of the club will show that Mary has not met is KPI targets therefore they are entitled to sack him. Same with the recruitment team. Like everyone else in the workforce. If you are not doing the job to what is expected, then they have no reason to hold onto him or pay him for another year.

You would think they have learnt from Price in delaying the obvious and keeping him for another wasted season. From memory was the fans reaction equal or worse for Price in his last few months in charge?
Yep they will give him 3 warning ..... he still has 1 more year what a joke clean the place out . The whole problem comes back to bad management from Doust down we should never be in this hole ...
I was born and raised in the Illawarra, played most of my footy there, most of my family and friends are still there and a lot of them were dyed in the wool Steeler's tragics. When i talk footy these days with a lot of them, the conversation goes something like...."with the Kogarah Gestapo pulling the strings, the Illawarra side of the JV is nothing more than a breeding ground for the Saints to pillage". I'm well aware that a lot of Illawarra people want Mary gone, but there is a lot of them that would see his sacking as the Kogarah crew just flexing their muscle with scant regard for what the Gong half of the JV might want. There is a lot of animosity and disdain for this JV from both sides, whether you believe it or not.

Then there's the Illawarra contingent on the board and the hangers on, the main reason for me believing there is some 'face saving" maneuvers at play. We all know that Sean O'Connor was never prepared to entertain anyone other than Mary as head coach. He even went as far as saying that Mary would be the next Super Coach, lol, he must feel like an absolute f**kwit about now and will be doing everything in his power to have Mary shuffled on quietly and respectfully so as not to draw too much attention to himself for putting the impostor there in the first place. He was also obviously able to get at least one of the saints directors to side with him in order for Mary to get the gig....guess that/those directors are still trying to wipe the egg off their faces and would prefer that his exit is done sensitively so as not to draw attention to their imbecilic actions also.

The Illawarra side of the JV are still smarting over losing games in the Gong that were promised to them when the merger was signed and still to this day believe they are being dictated to and treated as irrelevant by the Saints. Whether you want to believe that face saving, placating, dignity decisions or any other form of carefully scripted plays to try and keep certain factions happy are just thin air or arse pulled statements is rightfully your decision to make, and i respect that, but i also have my position which i stated above and until i see otherwise i am comfortable with sticking with it.

As I stated, there is no way that we can't afford to pay Mary out one years worth of his contract, so we can extinguish that excuse. He is obviously a total failure and it is untenable for him to continue for another season as is, but he still there, so obviously the powers to be are too weak to make the correct call and dismiss him effective immediately for incompetence. So in my opinion, stress my opinion, either the board are finding or have found a suitable replacement and it will be announced at seasons end, or, they are carefully structuring "a change" that sees Mary's and the Steelers dignity kept in tact (along with O'Connor, and anyone else involved that have f**ked up royally) and that this will evolve in the quiet of the off season in the hope that the least amount of attention is drawn to it. I tend to think it will be the latter (as i was suggesting on my original post) and all the recent talk of Cleary being muted as a director of coaching sort of starts to fit this line of thought. I really hope i'm wrong and that sanity prevails, but with all the egos, politics and big brother little brother sentiment, i can't help feeling we will end up with a "peacemakers solution" to our coaching woes. Problem is, most peace talks inevitably break down and turn to shit, which is exactly where i expect to end up if Mary is still allowed anywhere near the team into the future.

Excellent post 09 - I think you're on the money with most points.

What a diabolical situation to be in, where even the necessary sacking of an underperforming coach is assessed and managed through a Dragons-Steelers political prism.

Straight Shooter


Dragon's management would rather have a bad 2017 with McGregor at the helm than pay out McGregor's inflated contract and hire another coach in the same year.

Mr Red

First Grade
Roosters can afford to pay their coaches out of their contracts. We can't.

I've heard that a bit recently, and I think it's a false economy.
At a guess Mary is on what 400k a season? Just a guess on my part.
Keep him in charge another 12 months and the loss in membership and gate takings for an entire season would be a lot greater than 400k, and add to that loss of potential sponsors and players not wanting to play under him.
I'd be paying him out asap. You'll more than recover your losses with a half decent season next year.

Slippery Morris

First Grade
There was an article in Fox Sports that said Saints are looking at Hiring Cleary as a Coaching Directors role to oversea the coaching. Mary would be answering to him.

Problem is I am not sure how keen Cleary would be to go for that role or a fulltime coaching gig somewhere else.

Ronnie Dobbs

For a club already in debt to its eyeballs, it would make sense to f**k Mary off immediately and let him drag it through the courts.

Get a decent coach in and fans will pay to watch the team, thus reducing debt.

St Georgio

I've heard that a bit recently, and I think it's a false economy.
At a guess Mary is on what 400k a season? Just a guess on my part.
Keep him in charge another 12 months and the loss in membership and gate takings for an entire season would be a lot greater than 400k, and add to that loss of potential sponsors and players not wanting to play under him.
I'd be paying him out asap. You'll more than recover your losses with a half decent season next year.

If what you say is correct, then as supporters we may keep our end of the bargain and attend games, buy merchandise etc etc so they don't lose out!

Maybe just maybe they're thinking if they do pay him out then bring someone like Cleary who would demand double and fails in his first year that would equal $400000 pay out for McGregor + over $400000 loss in gate takings, memberships etc etc + $1000000 for Cleary ..That is a gamble of nearly $2 million.

While Keeping McGregor is only a cost of $800000 for another dud year or hope for a Hail Mary and somehow the dragons find something out of the football gods and kill it, make the finals and the Illawarra side of the equation are singing in delight,Paul McGregor there Idol!
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Coffs dragon

Dragon's management would rather have a bad 2017 with McGregor at the helm than pay out McGregor's inflated contract and hire another coach in the same year.
If the club is that strapped for cash and can't afford a payout, they need to introduce a coaching levy onto the RedV membership of $20.00
20,000 members at $20.00 each levy onto the annual fee = $400,000 and good bye Mary!!!!
It,s kind of like the fuel levy on airline tickets, except this allows the fans to burn off the toxic coach.
Get The Doc to run it by Dousty over their lunch.......a win win for all.


If Mary hangs on into 2017 we are doomed . I have zero faith in him and the ex Dragons hanging around. We've had the Benji/ Rein/ Farrel fiasco going back to offseason still not sorted. Money wasted on dud signings and the same well documented issues for 5 years. Yet The Club wants your money for membership and merchandise , plus waste your time and money attending games with the atmosphere of a wet door mat. Over it big time...

St Georgio


Who'd be willing to contribute for McGregor's payout?

I'd be happy to put money into a sack McGregor fund. Get the fund cracking and keep sending Doust updates with the balance as it grows.

Anyone got expertise in this

Coffs dragonJuniors

Dragon's management would rather have a bad 2017 with McGregor at the helm than pay out McGregor's inflated contract and hire another coach in the same year.
If the club is that strapped for cash and can't afford a payout, they need to introduce a coaching levy onto the RedV membership of $20.00
20,000 members at $20.00 each levy onto the annual fee = $400,000 and good bye Mary!!!!
It,s kind of like the fuel levy on airline tickets, except this allows the fans to burn off the toxic coach.
Get The Doc to run it by Dousty over their lunch.......a win win for all.

This is what is needed but will 20000 St George come to the party?


Dragon's management would rather have a bad 2017 with McGregor at the helm than pay out McGregor's inflated contract and hire another coach in the same year.
Why can't the board terminate the coach? Silence is golden!!! They cannot keep throwing up no money. All the money being offered to the likes of Foran etc. there is a lot more here going on within the club than us the supporter will ever know. There should be an investigate by SMH!


Why can't the board terminate the coach? Silence is golden!!! They cannot keep throwing up no money. All the money being offered to the likes of Foran etc. there is a lot more here going on within the club than us the supporter will ever know. There should be an investigate by SMH!
The power struggle is killing the club
The club can pay him out they just choose not to.

All this they can't because they don't have any money seems like a load of shit to me.

The power struggle is a massive issue and i have to ask how on earth is O'Connor afforded so much power.

Who the f**k is this guy honestly he's a no one yet seems to hold so much sway.

Is Doust that shit scared of this guy does he have something on Doust.

Red V for life

Ozlotto at $40m tomorrow night.

If we're that hard up for cash we can't pay him out, i hope someone at HQ has a few coins to buy a ticket. Hell, I'll do my bit and buy one too on the off chance.

He needs to go and go now. Nothing is to be gained by waiting till season's end. The new coach needs time to prepare and pre-season starts in Nov/Dec.

The longer the delay, the more the club shoots itself in the foot.


First Grade
It's just dawned on me that the club are probably allowing this all to happen in the hope McGregor will quit before they have to sack him and pay him out. Yes, that makes some kind of sense. Things muct be worse than we thought.

God, what a pickle.