Yep Blind Freddy being a smart arse and putting the boot was only last year he was criticizing mcgregor for poor performance himself
It was a very insensitive comment and he’s clearly unfamiliar with the deeper issues.
General issues with ex players in the media I’m afraid.
They simply don’t understand the fan life. They don’t line up to get in, they dont get stuck behind a big bloke with an anger issue, they don’t have to spend anything and so forth. Just turn up and try not to upset people and they struggle to do that.
If one of you blokes sat down with Freddy and explained how 99% of you are feeling and the hundreds of reasons why, he might get some insight.
Great footballer and a good state coach, but you cant know everything.
Much like Gould turning up and thinking he could put the fire out. He thought things couldn’t get much worse and he’d be seen as a super hero, but things have gone backwards since the review. He misjudged everything.
Even the new assistants have failed so far.
Let’s be honest, Flanno hasn’t made any known impact at all. I don’t know if it’s his fault or Marys but together with the coaching group, they are serving up rubbish.
Its like Millward and his retention and recruitment. The cupboard is bare, the cash has been spent, no one wants to come. Even the loafers don’t want to be demeaned by Mary.
Can anyone remember the entire team playing on the same page and bringing their best game?
Yesterday, you might have got a 60% turnout at best. They can’t all be having individual professional breakdowns at once. They’ve got bad crap in their heads, they can’t shake out.
They are subliminally associating playing for sgi as a bad professional and personal experience. They should be enjoying their work and mates.
The kid who came to our club, he said the best thing was to get away from the off field pressure.
I think we can read between the lines.