You do not even know what you are talking about.
If Souths paid $3.6m as a lump sum or $360k a year for role , how does that change your perception of the coming salary cap decision ?
The answer is there is NO real difference , except I read it as that instead of paying Sam $1.2m per season to play ..........Souths honour the contract of $3.6m , however have agreed with Sam to spread it over 10 years. Good for Souths cash flow and gives Sam an ongoing job/career opportunity.
This announcement has nothing to do with salary cap decision , it is just how Souths will ensure Sam gets his contract money.
SMH. I cant get away from the fact that the Tigers have been fined and had their Salary Cap reduced for two years for offering Farah a job after his career was finished....when they were trying to get rid of him to another club.
Souffs get away with this twice! This is what is wrong with the NRL. Greenburg is pissweak.
I understood Tigers offered Farrar a contract which essentially was ( not correct figures , you can research it , but they highlight the issue) play for two year for $200k pa and then we give you a job for two years for $500 k Pa. This is a rort
Souths had a bona fida contract with Sam signed Oct 2018 . He gets injured early in season , had what is supposed to be a minor surgery fix mid season , worse than thought , gone by end of season,
Souths commit to pay his full contract out and seek the retirement payments for 2020/21/22 to be excluded from salary cap. There was NEVER any sort in the first place with the contract.He got injured.
As for the job now , instead of paying Sam out full contract value in one go $3.6m , they are trying to set it up over 10 years with a job. Pretty good conclusion for both parties.
If you cannot see the difference must be a ONE eyed tiger.