Its all about the halfback (or lack thereof). How on Earth was Prince allowed to leave? He's got a premiership ring and potential future Australian captaincy but because his girlfriend feels mildly homesick you let him walk?
Can you imagine that happening at a place like St George, Brisbane or Manly?
As for the idea of Marshall as a steer them around the park player, what exactly is Sheens smoking? Marshall is a reactive suport player and excellent in this role. I thought the whole idea of retiring Hodgson was that Marshall move to fullback, Morris gets benched, Moltzen (yeah I know) comes in to 5/8 and the club goes all out towards securing a quality halfback.
Say what you like about Matt Head but the only time you vaguely resembled a first grade team last year was when he was on the field.
As to renewing the contracts of Shannon McDonnell and Bryce Gibbs, well one finds it difficult not to look at the club without a sense of genuine pity.
Plus, Wests defend like Japanese schoolgirls.
Fellas, I know you're passionate about your club - after all, this was the place that produced Raudonikis, Dorahy, JD et al and set a standard for hardness in a hard game.
Don't let that get disgraced.
But on what I saw Sat night there is no way that this club is finals bound ("same old sh*t" as our author so elequently states).
The frustrating thing is its not due to lack of talent - you guys have it in spades - but it is oh so poorly managed.
Will leave you with an example: Imagine Chris Lawrence playing outside centre at Manly?
He'd be on a million cereal boxes.
Res ipsa loquitor