No media bullshit needed for me, don't buy into what they say
I have seen and heard myself all the things he has said since the time he disgracefully walked out on the Dogs, Disloyal and Dishonest sum the bloke up beautifully
So "His relationship with the club soured" did it ? Was this after they bowed to his commands and forced him to sign the updated 5 year deal a month or 2 walking out ?
And the "Steve Folkes is a racist" angle showed the blokes colours beautifully. El Masri seemed to survive just fine there through his career ...
But as you said, all this has been done and dusted
I am not a SBW fan boy by any means mate.
You live in aussie? and obviously have watched all their interviews then you are influenced by the media.
And its ridcilous he has been painted as RL enemy number one.
when we have guys like Ryan tandy and a number of other players involved in match fixing lol.
Seriously SBW and been criticised to the moon and back.
Gallop is the bigger douche bag - how long to this supposed "independent" commission.
You have heard all the things he said . . what personally?
oh wait through the media . . anyway we all know he probably cant even communicate probably anyway lol.
SBW is least as much a role model as Brett Stewart is lol
On one hand he a top league player who battles with type one diabetes on the other hand he likes drunken sexual encounters with 17s year olds.
Kids cant take as much as they want from their 'idols'.
Young polynesians could take some good lessons away from the whole SBW saga, actually some great lessons.
Only have to have david tua about trust issues with management.