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Scomo saving me


Well done tripean As usual you don't address a single point I made- just trot out your usual obfuscating tripe to protect your ideology.Or try to .Sadly you are not even doing that . Unlike you ,apparently, I am no nostrodamus proclaiming success ,just yet. Im aware of what the chief medical officer said about flattening the curve(What makes you think im not ?) as well as what some others have said . You don't seem to grasp the significance of the choices that have been made . Difficult choices , and I cant say i disagree with them .Would feel better if the leader were not a believer in the superstitious nonsense the Pentocostal churchs use to control people.

You really have got your t*ts in a knot Lefty Larry which is par for the course.You brought up the appy clappers crap.

"Protect my ideology" (which is excactly what you are also doing) ,I'm more than comfortable where I'm at. "
Don't seem to grasp the choices" ,another comment of absolute stupidity.I've come out of hospital in February after surgery to the ticker, and fully aware of the implications ,the need for a vaccine ,the idiocy of politicians around the world posturing(Trump in particular),and the precautions I and others must take.
Keep lecturing me on "significance",is like teaching me how to suck eggs.

I am more than comfortable with Morrison, than some of the other cringeworthy gimps available in both parties, leading the country.The ABC and the Herald of course can't handle the fact.

Well we could have a leader like Xi who doesn't believe in the so called"nonsense" or Kim Jon Un or Stalin.

I don't care what his beliefs are ,as i've stated before as long as he does his job.I know people, friends of my daughters( and I have no interest in their denomination)who are Pentecostal ,they are uni graduates hold responsible professional positions ,don't push anything down my throat or my daughters.They are intelligent ,attractive and rational young women.

I've never been concerned in what a politician believes or doesn't as to religion.I just want him to do the job, represent his electorate constructively, and if he becomes a Minister in Govt represent the people of this country.I also want him or her to have decent standards.

I don't care what a politician's beliefs or non beliefs are.People aren't asked when they go into politics ,if you don't believe this or that, you can't nominate.He's not ramming it down my throat, else I'd be p*ssed off.

He obviously doesn't express hatred, which you clearly do to him. Maybe you can learn from him, obsessive hate gets you nowhere.It's childish.

I'll pose this question would you rather Xi and his totalitarian Govt run this country?Because you are given no choice in believing in anything ,except Commo doctrine.You tend to brush over that regime's complete stuff up of the whole virus shebang.


I'd much prefer Xi.

Seriously. What a dumb proposition.,

Why because you probably support Xi.

No different than complaining about ScoMo and his beliefs, which in the COVID-19 issue is plain dumb and which has not been used on Govt policy.

You'd love it under their system, may get the opportunity down the line with their aggressive expansion policy.


Why because you probably support Xi.

No different than complaining about ScoMo and his beliefs, which in the COVID-19 issue is plain dumb and which has not been used on Govt policy.

You'd love it under their system, may get the opportunity down the line with their aggressive expansion policy.

It's a binary choice.

Scomo Vs China.


We disagree with the Chinese government over a lot.

But not so much that we'd refuse to exploit their working class for our own gain.

Not so much that we'd refuse to trade with them.


It's a binary choice.

Scomo Vs China.

It's a simple choice a democratically elected leader regardless of what he believes in subject to voters who can toss him out, as opposed to a non democratically elected leader who cannot be questioned ,and whose people can be thrown into prison for questioning.

ScoMo and a growing number of leaders throughout the world who are questioning a Chinese Government who hid, lied and continues to lie about how the virus started ,and will not explain why the world was not advised about the person to person transmission earlier.
Even Albo is in full support of what ScoMo is doing in respect to China.


We disagree with the Chinese government over a lot.

But not so much that we'd refuse to exploit their working class for our own gain.

Not so much that we'd refuse to trade with them.

Funny you mentioned their working class, who earn peanuts, yet their political elite run around in the best of everything .They have more millionaires than many countries in the west.

Maybe if they paid their working class more ,we would manufacture more in this country, because imports from China would be dearer.

It was the Chinese Ambassador who threatened not to buy our produce and raw materials ,because we wanted answers of the origins of the virus.Their Consuls are playing hard ball around the world.Their system cannot be questioned, nor can their leaders.
I read yesterday in the Australian farmer from Gloucester NSW ,continues to sell his live Angus cattle to China, as there is not effect with all the argy bargy.


It's a simple choice a democratically elected leader regardless of what he believes in subject to voters who can toss him out, as opposed to a non democratically elected leader who cannot be questioned ,and whose people can be thrown into prison for questioning.

ScoMo and a growing number of leaders throughout the world who are questioning a Chinese Government who hid, lied and continues to lie about how the virus started ,and will not explain why the world was not advised about the person to person transmission earlier.
Even Albo is in full support of what ScoMo is doing in respect to China.

But we are getting in trouble here for questioning our democratic leader, which is kinda ironic.


Funny you mentioned their working class, who earn peanuts, yet their political elite run around in the best of everything .They have more millionaires than many countries in the west.

Maybe if they paid their working class more ,we would manufacture more in this country, because imports from China would be dearer.

It was the Chinese Ambassador who threatened not to buy our produce and raw materials ,because we wanted answers of the origins of the virus.Their Consuls are playing hard ball around the world.Their system cannot be questioned, nor can their leaders.
I read yesterday in the Australian farmer from Gloucester NSW ,continues to sell his live Angus cattle to China, as there is not effect with all the argy bargy.

Well why don't we impose tariffs until they pay their workers more?

Because we'd rather just get the cheap, throw away products.

Blow the human rights abuses. They aren't as good as a $3 KMart shirt.

We have our principles, just as long as they don't get in the way of doing business.


But we are getting in trouble here for questioning our democratic leader, which is kinda ironic.

Whose getting into trouble? A debate FFS.

It's called questioning,
The stupidity of the debate is bagging a PM, because of his beliefs, which have SFA on his COVID-19 decisions.
Did anyone bag Rudd on his Christian beliefs ,when he was interviewed outside his church on Sundays, during the GFC? No.No because it had zero to do with his decisions.


Well why don't we impose tariffs until they pay their workers more?

Because we'd rather just get the cheap, throw away products.

Blow the human rights abuses. They aren't as good as a $3 KMart shirt.

We have our principles, just as long as they don't get in the way of doing business.

Tariffs are to protect the people/industry within the country of importation, to protect local industry.
Think you are confusing that with a Bangladeshi made T shirt.

Human beings what they are ,at times (not all )throw principles out the window.
We need China as well as they need us.But when countries and their people are suffering because of failures in China, they have to be held to account.
They got away with the South China sea reefs and atolls conversion to islands (fortified),completely ignoring International Law of the seas.Their principles are laughable at times.


Tariffs are to protect the people/industry within the country of importation, to protect local industry.
Think you are confusing that with a Bangladeshi made T shirt.

Human beings what they are ,at times (not all )throw principles out the window.
We need China as well as they need us.But when countries and their people are suffering because of failures in China, they have to be held to account.
They got away with the South China sea reefs and atolls conversion to islands (fortified),completely ignoring International Law of the seas.Their principles are laughable at times.


Here we go. Wash our hands of any responsibility.

Without addressing any of the general global humanitarian issues we aren't really protecting our own people by making them compete with virtual slave wages, are we?

Yes, we are happy to turn a blind eye to exploitation and human rights abuses, as long as WE get something from it. We like to pretend that we have these lofty ideals but we don't. We're happy to cheer most of what they do on.


Tariffs are to protect the people/industry within the country of importation, to protect local industry.
Think you are confusing that with a Bangladeshi made T shirt.

Human beings what they are ,at times (not all )throw principles out the window.
We need China as well as they need us.But when countries and their people are suffering because of failures in China, they have to be held to account.
They got away with the South China sea reefs and atolls conversion to islands (fortified),completely ignoring International Law of the seas.Their principles are laughable at times.

As opposed to the Australian Government, the great global citizen.




Here we go. Wash our hands of any responsibility.

Without addressing any of the general global humanitarian issues we aren't really protecting our own people by making them compete with virtual slave wages, are we?

Yes, we are happy to turn a blind eye to exploitation and human rights abuses, as long as WE get something from it. We like to pretend that we have these lofty ideals but we don't. We're happy to cheer most of what they do on.

OK we provide hundreds of millions in grants to countries less well of than ours, we provide money to WHO,UNICEF ,to the United Nations who provide food to places like North Korea in times of drought.
This BS we are doing little is just that BS.We let refugees in on humanitarian basis, provided they go through the proper channels and don't jump the queue.We send relief aid to countries when cyclones, floods hit.To Africa when drought and famine strikes.You need to get out a bit more.

The people who do a good job of exploiting their own people are the Chinese Govt, cheap labour so they can export to foreign countries and hold huge US dollar reserves.Then spend huge amounts of armaments that are hardly of a defensive nature.Yet you are quite happy to buy a $3 shirt at Kmart.
And China spendsmoney on Australian raw materials because they need it to not only build infrastructure but boost their armaments .

You're reading from the old socialist hymn book.The fact that manufacture has gone offshore in many countries,has provided their workers with a better standard of living, not all of course.

In Socialist Cuba they have a fantastic free health and education system, but many of their countrymen live in poverty, and the elite Communist party members live in luxury.They also have large numbers of political prisoners. who challenge their Govt on issues..

Lofty ideals is perfection, any level headed Australian would say we are nowhere near that.But I'd put our ideals up against Chinese Gov ideals any day of the week.It is not a free society.



Nice one. Accuse me of socialist rhetoric but come back with a whole bunch of capitalist rhetoric.

Don't stray from the hymn book choir boy.


It's nice talk, keep telling yourself that. You'll sleep well with stories.

You don't seem particularly young, so it's quite cute how naive you are.


As opposed to the Australian Government, the great global citizen.


LOL You quoted the Guardian, the rag that Turnbull help set up and who's editor and opinion pieces are every thing Labor loves.Geez at times the ABC is more balanced than that mob.
That mob, are so desperate for money, every time you go on their site, they're begging for cash.

The Australian Govts ever since I've been able to vote or learnt little about history, have never been perfect, never suggested otherwise, but they are kilometres in front of most Govt's on this planet.

I could go through a list of dumb decisions made from Menzies, Whitlam,Fraser,Hawke,Rudd,Howard and ScoMo.

And you are still giving the Chinese Govt the thumbs up compared to our current Govt. Them hiding facts that resulted in the deaths of 250k and the infections of 3 plus million is all AOK .Silencing Chinese doctors who tried to warn everyone about the virus.Putting a party convention first before alerting the world .Complaining about Australia stopping Chinese citizens coming here early Feb is OK, even though it saved many Oz lives.Soirry mate I don't sing from that hymn sheet.



Nice one. Accuse me of socialist rhetoric but come back with a whole bunch of capitalist rhetoric.

Don't stray from the hymn book choir boy.


It's nice talk, keep telling yourself that. You'll sleep well with stories.

You don't seem particularly young, so it's quite cute how naive you are.

You're the one extolling the virtues of Chinese Govt by bagging the Australian Govt.
The grants I stated came from Australian Govts that continued over the years, from both persuasions.

You have made your position quite clear on these threads, your hatred of Capitalism is almost legendary.Yet you are quite happy to enjoy its benefits, and using the old exploitation card as some sort of get out free justification.

Well you have conveyed an extreme amount of immature ignorance for whatever age you possess ,maybe you spend some time living in China,if their Govt is all you pretend it to be.

BTW for your edification, not many are sleeping well with what is going on here and around the world, including me scoop.


Ha. I'm not extolling the Chinese Gubberment. Never have, except for some extreme tongue in cheek comments.

I merely point out that a lot of the attacks from the west are hypocritical.


LOL You quoted the Guardian, the rag that Turnbull help set up and who's editor and opinion pieces are every thing Labor loves.Geez at times the ABC is more balanced than that mob.
That mob, are so desperate for money, every time you go on their site, they're begging for cash.

The Australian Govts ever since I've been able to vote or learnt little about history, have never been perfect, never suggested otherwise, but they are kilometres in front of most Govt's on this planet.

I could go through a list of dumb decisions made from Menzies, Whitlam,Fraser,Hawke,Rudd,Howard and ScoMo.

And you are still giving the Chinese Govt the thumbs up compared to our current Govt. Them hiding facts that resulted in the deaths of 250k and the infections of 3 plus million is all AOK .Silencing Chinese doctors who tried to warn everyone about the virus.Putting a party convention first before alerting the world .Complaining about Australia stopping Chinese citizens coming here early Feb is OK, even though it saved many Oz lives.Soirry mate I don't sing from that hymn sheet.

Get whatever source you want. It's the facts of the case that are pertinent.

It's unfortunate when facts have a left wing bias.