Well done tripean As usual you don't address a single point I made- just trot out your usual obfuscating tripe to protect your ideology.Or try to .Sadly you are not even doing that . Unlike you ,apparently, I am no nostrodamus proclaiming success ,just yet. Im aware of what the chief medical officer said about flattening the curve(What makes you think im not ?) as well as what some others have said . You don't seem to grasp the significance of the choices that have been made . Difficult choices , and I cant say i disagree with them .Would feel better if the leader were not a believer in the superstitious nonsense the Pentocostal churchs use to control people.
You really have got your t*ts in a knot Lefty Larry which is par for the course.You brought up the appy clappers crap.
"Protect my ideology" (which is excactly what you are also doing) ,I'm more than comfortable where I'm at. "
Don't seem to grasp the choices" ,another comment of absolute stupidity.I've come out of hospital in February after surgery to the ticker, and fully aware of the implications ,the need for a vaccine ,the idiocy of politicians around the world posturing(Trump in particular),and the precautions I and others must take.
Keep lecturing me on "significance",is like teaching me how to suck eggs.
I am more than comfortable with Morrison, than some of the other cringeworthy gimps available in both parties, leading the country.The ABC and the Herald of course can't handle the fact.
Well we could have a leader like Xi who doesn't believe in the so called"nonsense" or Kim Jon Un or Stalin.
I don't care what his beliefs are ,as i've stated before as long as he does his job.I know people, friends of my daughters( and I have no interest in their denomination)who are Pentecostal ,they are uni graduates hold responsible professional positions ,don't push anything down my throat or my daughters.They are intelligent ,attractive and rational young women.
I've never been concerned in what a politician believes or doesn't as to religion.I just want him to do the job, represent his electorate constructively, and if he becomes a Minister in Govt represent the people of this country.I also want him or her to have decent standards.
I don't care what a politician's beliefs or non beliefs are.People aren't asked when they go into politics ,if you don't believe this or that, you can't nominate.He's not ramming it down my throat, else I'd be p*ssed off.
He obviously doesn't express hatred, which you clearly do to him. Maybe you can learn from him, obsessive hate gets you nowhere.It's childish.
I'll pose this question would you rather Xi and his totalitarian Govt run this country?Because you are given no choice in believing in anything ,except Commo doctrine.You tend to brush over that regime's complete stuff up of the whole virus shebang.