I’d confidently say Thunberg has way way way more power that the goose in charge here.
Who the f**k is Scott Morrison?
who the f**k was the last bloke in charge here?
who the f**k was the last labour leader in charge?
If she was a fat middle aged man saying the exact same thing, nobody would give a shit.
You included.
Well, I hope you're right. In terms of her influence over others, maybe she has more power, though I'm not sure.
In the context of our conversation about violence and intimidation against ScoMo and Thurnberg, I think your use of "power" here is equivocating (perhaps unintentionally).
In terms of her ability to defend herself, which is the power relevant here, do you think she is on par with the leader of a nation?
If we ask the question of categories of people, do you think fat middle aged men, such as myself, and teenage girls have the same "power" to resist violence or intimidation?
I don't think violence against fat middle aged men is acceptable. I'm a person too, even if I am a weirdo. But if someone says on social media that they want to drown me (or other fat middle aged men), I am not at all threatened and can laugh it off.
The issue you had with me saying it was particularly vile to target Thurnberg is that ScoMo is also targeted, so it must be my hurt feelings that make it "particularly" vile to target a teenage girl.
I can think of plenty of categories of person where it is even more cowardly to target them with abuse, intimidation, threatened, implied or real violence, despite the fact that it is terrible to do that to anyone. This isn't my hurt feelings working overtime, and it may be considered condescending by some if I "disempower" whole categories of people by saying they can't defend themselves.
The real crux of the matter is that intimidation is actively used as a tactic to silence people, based on them being vulnerable to actual or threats of violence. This is not solely a conservative tactic, but is certainly in line with online trolling and other "incel" behaviours.
Do you genuinely see no difference between targeting teenage girls and fat middle aged men? or Thurnberg and ScoMo?