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Sharks Fitnes coach

da brain

A question has disturbed me for a couple of years now, how long has Trent Elkin been our Head Strength & Conditioning Coach for?
Seriously man WTF, are we strong, are we conditioned, are we disciplined under fatigue, seriously how long has this guy been with us for? I have seen his face in the team photos for years, i would say could even be 10 years.
Is it just me? do other teams play faster than us, do we appear slow to anyone else, could it be our fitness coach FFS, maybe? I m just throwin it out there.


i've wondered that but have no means to back up my case.

We have for at least 8 years looked 2 steps behind the other teams no matter who playing or coaching.

Since 73

First Grade
If you go looking for problems at our joint you'd need a staff of 20 working 24/7 for 10 years.

Don't worry about the fitness coach - start at the top.

We just extended the contract of our coach who has the most abysmal resume for any assistant coach in any sport in any country in the world.
Before he showed 1 minute of how he could prepare a team.

Sorry, that's wrong - he had shown us in 2 trial matches that he could send a side out which could not compete.

And... true to form he sends them out again in round 1 for more of the same.
No, actually - it was worse.

You're looking for morons who are in over their heads?
Find the imbecile who came up with this idea: "Let's extend Shane's contract?"

Because that's someone you DO NOT want making decisions around a professional sporting club.


If you go looking for problems at our joint you'd need a staff of 20 working 24/7 for 10 years.

Don't worry about the fitness coach - start at the top.

We just extended the contract of our coach who has the most abysmal resume for any assistant coach in any sport in any country in the world.
Before he showed 1 minute of how he could prepare a team.

Sorry, that's wrong - he had shown us in 2 trial matches that he could send a side out which could not compete.

And... true to form he sends them out again in round 1 for more of the same.
No, actually - it was worse.

You're looking for morons who are in over their heads?
Find the imbecile who came up with this idea: "Let's extend Shane's contract?"

Because that's someone you DO NOT want making decisions around a professional sporting club.

Or it's based on the something other than purely his coaching ability or lack thereof... $$$

I think all signs are pointing to us having 2 years of spending absolutely nothing and putting us in a situation to spend money in 2 years time.

And in the 2 years we will have the most depressing, boring and uninspiring time possibly in the clubs history.

Why else would you resign a rookie coach before he has proven any ability? Has to be based on a bottom line dollar figure in my mind.


A question has disturbed me for a couple of years now, how long has Trent Elkin been our Head Strength & Conditioning Coach for?
Seriously man WTF, are we strong, are we conditioned, are we disciplined under fatigue, seriously how long has this guy been with us for? I have seen his face in the team photos for years, i would say could even be 10 years.
Is it just me? do other teams play faster than us, do we appear slow to anyone else, could it be our fitness coach FFS, maybe? I m just throwin it out there.

He needs to go. For the last few years we have been physically dominated.

All the other teams are strong across the park and can shrug tacklers off. Who do we have that can do that. Gal, snith

The drags are the best prepared team in the comp by miles.

Citius, altius Fortius


This thread has come up year after year.
I'll submit 2 items of evidence.
Last year. 45 minute warm ups on the field in the sun at Brookvale in 30 degree heat
this year. Ice vests in the sun on a bike.

Andrew O'Keefe

Someone should give Steve Folkes a call, i heard he just moved to the Shire
(although he would probably want more than Flanno is on)

Card Shark

Someone should give Steve Folkes a call, i heard he just moved to the Shire
(although he would probably want more than Flanno is on)

Herein lies my issue with the coaching situation. We appoint Flano as coach without advertising (either formally or informally).

How do we kno there is not a steve folks out there keen for a gig & how do we kno what he will cost.

I don't care what Flano costs. We should have looked around & if we end up with him due to $, so be it.

Maybe that's what happened?


Is Flanno assistant coach of the NSW SOO side this year?

If not, I wonder why.

one would think it's a no brainer

together at Easts, then sharks

sticky has always been mates with Bellamy so one would assume he had put a good word in for him then too

has to be appointed as Mal's assistant doesn't he


one would think it's a no brainer

together at Easts, then sharks

sticky has always been mates with Bellamy so one would assume he had put a good word in for him then too

has to be appointed ad stickys assistant doesn't he...

I would of thought it the logical course to follow.

Then again, haven't heard it mentioned in dispatches.

Guess we'll have to wait for the word. Might be a line like "stood down to concentrate on the NRL team in his first full year"

Maybe not. No one ever bandies cliches about

da brain

Flano has no reason to his thinking, why did he let Ferguson finish the year last year, why did he play Tim Smith the last few games last year if he wasn’t going to have first shot at number 7, who would put wade graham at number 7 when he cant kick, why play Matthew Wright who has played every position except wing on the wing in a kind of nrl debut (kind of) then drop pomeroy who finished 2010 very well when you could play an extremely capable winger colin best on the wing In an hot day at Canberra at the 20 min mark when we were right in the contest i was crying out for Aiton to be injected, Flanno wasn’t????????? WTF, not to sharp i recon


Is Flanno assistant coach of the NSW SOO side this year?

If not, I wonder why.

The answer to this question is a massive and emphatic NO.

I believe that Trent Barrett is assisting Sticks with the Origin squad.

My understanding is that the former coach and current coach had a falling out. Stuff dating back to their time at the Roosters, but only came to light when they were together at the Sharks.

Since 73

First Grade
Flano has no reason to his thinking, why did he let Ferguson finish the year last year, why did he play Tim Smith the last few games last year if he wasn’t going to have first shot at number 7, who would put wade graham at number 7 when he cant kick, why play Matthew Wright who has played every position except wing on the wing in a kind of nrl debut (kind of) then drop pomeroy who finished 2010 very well when you could play an extremely capable winger colin best on the wing In an hot day at Canberra at the 20 min mark when we were right in the contest i was crying out for Aiton to be injected, Flanno wasn’t????????? WTF, not to sharp i recon

Yo bro - welcome to the enlightened.

Unfortunately, the only analogy i can draw is if you put your V8 commodore in the hands of an unlicensed driver expect to finish at the wrong come Bathurst time.


First Grade
Jeez , who has'ent Ricky had a falling out with? And why all the Flano bagging , we know we havent got the money this year and Frego was always going to leave with his ego. Flano is cheap and he is here. I think we should cut the guy a bit of slack , give him a chance . We know he has not got the backs we need to compiment our forward pack. How do you think he feels about coaching a side to the wooden spoon eh? So lets get on with it and concentrate on getting Tongia, Peachy, Townshend ,Flanagan, Mills ready to step up.

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