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Sins of the father


First Grade
It all evened it self out last year. Stewart only got 1 game and no time in the bin for running 30m to throw a punch when he should of got 6


I can not believe Stewarts management did not assist with the story.

It gives anyone with an unsubstantiated opinion on the case a clear view of the lunacy of the allegations once and for all.

I cant help but be amazed at Stewarts public composure now. He was mocked, belittled, despised, lambasted and put through the ringer in the public eye. I cant imagine how hard it would be to want to scream out your innocence with a muzzle tightly wrapped over your mouth.


mud sticks

Most people wont read this and will continue with their opinion on Stewart.

Just like the Bulldogs and the findings from the DPP

Penrose Warrior

First Grade
Whilst they are not quite as culpable as this Nero guy, the newspapers should take almost as much of a rap for this. If they had've stuck to facts and not written a bunch of unsubstanciated crap, I doubt the stain on Stewart's name would be what it is now. Nor that he would have to have gone through such pain.


First Grade
I took the time to read the article today. Pretty bad what happened to Stewart. Find it pretty hard to believe all the shit said about Nero.


First Grade
I can not believe Stewarts management did not assist with the story.

It's probably a good thing they didn't assist. If they did we'd be hearing that it was just more media spin by Stewart and the club and the same line would be trotted out..."he's not still whinging about this is he?"
Clearly Brett just wants to put it behind him but it's probably among the bigest off field stories in rugby league over the last 20 years. He probably feels he's in a position where he can't win with the public, his silence over the past 3 years has been the basis of some abuse by opposition fans, if and when he speaks the same people attack him. His name has been dragged through the mud by media and it's little surprise that he has distanced himself from any and all media. I cannot imagine the psycholigical trauma that an event such as this would cause someone. One minute he's the face of the game and one of the most popular players in the game, the next minute the entire rugby league community is discussing whether or not he's guilty of a serious crime all the while the flames are being fueled by the lowest form of filth in society, News Ltd media.



THE Eagles Angels, Manly's female celebrity supporter group, celebrated 10 years last week - and their most outspoken member is still very angry about the treatment of their favourite player, Brett Stewart. And if he decided to leave the NRL, you get the feeling they'd understand. Wendy Harmer and the Eagles Angels had shreds torn off them for daring to back Stewart. ''The attacks on the Eagles Angels were nothing compared with what Brett Stewart went through,'' she said. Harmer's fury was re-ignited after the publication of an article in last week's Good Weekend, which detailed what a sick criminal the father of the girl at the centre of the Stewart rape allegations is. He manipulated her and her mother and defrauded others. But more than that, he has forever ruined the reputation of a good man - Stewart. "The attacks on Brett were just horrifying - and the worst part of it was that it was a pack mentality. People just jumped into him and one attack was worse than the next. There were very few members of the media on radio, TV or print who could say that they didn't join in. It's a huge problem in Australia. And the accusations were harsh. If there are two things that a man would never want to be accused of, it's rape and being a paedophile - Brett was accused of the first and there were plenty of people wanting to take it a step further because the girl was not 18. The mob mentality was just disgusting. You know, mud sticks in a big way, and I am just amazed that Brett is able to play football still - let alone to the level that he has reached. The courage that young man has displayed, I'm just amazed. He was the subject of blanket condemnation like I have rarely seen it before.'' The article made particular mention of the ABC program Media Watch. That show attacked a story I broke on Nine News as the story was unfolding. Media Watch accused me of trying to run a smear campaign against the father of the so-called victim. The truth of the matter is I was interested in telling the truth about the situation. Good Weekend wrote: ''The ABC's Media Watch did not query where those stories came from, but it did attack Channel Nine for raising Nero's [real name altered to a pseudonym for legal reasons] history of fraud. It suggested the Manly club was running a smear campaign. A somewhat defamatory comment still on the Media Watch website reflects the thinking that many of us would have shared at the time: ''Shame on anyone who thinks that it is okay to start a smear campaign against the father of the alleged victim. This is typical, a player sexually assaults someone, the club covers it up using a smear campaign.'' Well, Media Watch is still carrying that embarrassing report and you can view the pompous and unresearched mutterings of their host online to this day. How he and those who produced the program on that night were not sacked is a mystery. Stewart and the Eagles should have taken legal action against them - they successfully sued News Ltd. For the record, no one from the club fed any kind of story about the father to me. Nor did I have a particularly close relationship with Brett Stewart, his brother Glenn or his family. The father of the girl was handing his phone number out to the media and backgrounding journos off the record from moment one of the story, and that just smelt bad. ''I don't know if any amount of money or apologies can make up for what was done to Brett,'' Harmer said. The most telling point of the whole sorry saga is that the jury took less than an hour to reach a verdict: not guilty.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Fair go...

I think everyone (with half a brain) is across this now and knows Stewart's been hard-done-by. I was sceptical before the verdict last year but now with the verdict and particularly this story, I like many others have probably changed their tune.

What the issue is now is the continual refreshing of the issue in the media. It can't be helpful for Stewart and on here, all it does is cause fights and encourage endless justification from Manly fans (who don't need to anymore!).

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