Yeah, I find it a touch bemusing that an RTS-CNK swap is being mooted. CNK, OK he wasn't at his best last week but he's been a beast the last 12 months. His work rate and metres gained is incredible, he is a strong defender and I presume organiser, we're really not going to gain a lot from RTS being there. We might unlock some lesser teams but I don't see it being a big advantage v well organised defenses.
There's a real level of impatience and failure to see the bigger picture of the systems being predictable, not winning the middle, and other factors that are resulting in RTS having pretty average ball to work with. He's still very early in his journey at centre and it seems like the patience has already worn out in giving him time to get better there...but also, what is going on around him is sub-par, and we're losing which leads to impatience and some go to the low-hanging fruit which is 'RTS to fullback'
To me, the biggest improvement in this team will come with a) less predictable attacking structures and getting something going in the opposition's 20m line b) working out how we use our bench and our interchange, allowing AFB/Barnett and co to play slightly less, more intense minutes and not having those lulls when both are off and c) getting more time into the young guys (Berry, Laban, Maiu'u, hopefully Leuatuai etc) and balancing that with the experienced guys producing around them.
It's coaching, basically, to me. Webster is a wonderful man but if you ask me the difference between 2023 to 2024, it's coaching. I don't think we've got better, or changed enough to negate the predictability of how we play.