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SMH: Rail threat to Bulldogs

Maroubra Eel

Doesn't even surprise me anymore that Dogs fans would destroy a train carriage. Not even newsworthy. I expect it to happen.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
These sort of people don't care about how their actions affect others, and they certainly don't think. It shames me that they call themselves supporters of our club. It's disgraceful and I like many others are fed up with it.


In that case, their number of Premierships should be reviewed. Clearly a different entity.

cumberlandsashes81 said:
Your friend is the ASIC website... The name of the Football club is officially:


If you do an ASIC search for the name of the organisation you get...

"Former Name(s)


Most of the NRL clubs still retain their DRLC or DRLFC LTD company name and limited by guarantee status. The Bulldogs are, however, special.


So were the people who threw :C: molatov cocktails :rw: at trains at Bankstown wearing Bulldogs jerseys while they were doing it? Probably chanting "Bulldogs" as they were doing it.:alcho:

Lucky they dont bring them to games, the footage of people burning to death at an NRL game wont be good for attendance.

How does someone come up with the idea to throw bombs at trains? They must be really, really unhappy with the service Cityrail provides.

And how specifically do you Bulldogs fans destroy entire train carriages on the 8 minute trip from Olypmpic Park to Lidcombe? Do you smash all the windows:crazy: , do you graffiti the walls](*,) , or do you all use the train as a toilet at the same time?


First Grade
These fans are a disgrace to the one or two good Bulldogs fans out there.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
These fans are a disgrace to the one or two good Bulldogs fans out there.

And that's the worst bait on an internet forum ever.


And that's the worst bait on an internet forum ever.

Timmah, almost 39,000 posts and you've been a member as long as me. GOD DAMN.:shock:

I hear when you reach 40k posts you get a free LU t-shirt.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Amazing how quickly things change too. My parents and grandparents lived in Bankstown until the early 90's and it was all like a community and very much like suburbia but now it seems to have gone wayward.
People need to read articles properly, only one incident refers to Bulldogs fans...

mattyg said:
While incidents may have happened back in June or whenever, its outrageous that they can claim this incident as an embarrassment to the bulldogs. Malcolm, take them to court, surely you must have a case.
Malcolm wouldn’t have a case because trouble from a small minority of Bulldogs fan’s after games is a fact…and it’s been happening for the past decade.

***MH*** said:
how do they know that they were dogs jerseys fom a moving train.... they could have been north melbourne kangaroo jerseys if they looked close enough....
The only incident that refers to Bulldogs fans was in June on train from Olympic Park to Lidcombe, they were Bulldogs fans…

bobmar28 said:
The whole article implies Bulldog fans were resposible for all those events which is untrue.
Mind you if much more of this sort of stuff is proven I'll have to find another club to take the family to.
It does not, read it properly; it only refers to one incident involving Bulldogs fans…though that is just one of many, many incidents involving Bulldogs fans on the rail system after matches.

big pat said:
as far as i know, trains terminate at bankstown on weekends, and are replace by buses to lidcome station, anyway we know what the media are about, never let the truth get in the way of a story.
Incorrect, it’s only during track work that trains may terminate at Bankstown on weekends.


No...Trains often ( well they used to) terminate at Bankstown and sometimes Punchbowl, usually extra peak services after peak sesions finished....they would then stable at P'bowl car shed (maintence centre between p'bowl and b'town)


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
TFP - the article is headlined with the Bulldogs in it. There are MANY simple people who DON'T read full articles, some who only skim the headlines - and they will get the wrong impression. It's WOEFUL reporting.


Timmah said:
Amazing how quickly things change too. My parents and grandparents lived in Bankstown until the early 90's and it was all like a community and very much like suburbia but now it seems to have gone wayward.

very true timmah, my mother grew up in belmore, and she hates to admit that these days, she still loves the doggies though...
innsaneink said:
No...Trains often ( well they used to) terminate at Bankstown and sometimes Punchbowl, usually extra peak services after peak sesions finished....they would then stable at P'bowl car shed (maintence centre between p'bowl and b'town)
Used to, a long time ago Ink, and Punchbowl MC has been gone for more than a decade also.

Timmah said:
TFP - the article is headlined with the Bulldogs in it. There are MANY simple people who DON'T read full articles, some who only skim the headlines - and they will get the wrong impression. It's WOEFUL reporting.

It's not woeful reporting, I read it fully and understood it, why is it the fault of the writer or the paper if someone doesn’t read it properly…

Articles are not worded for someone who just skims over it, they are worded so that any normal, half intelligent person should be able to read it fully and understand it…if someone just skims over it and then forms an opinion based on not reading the full article, that the fault of reader, not the writer or the paper…


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
It IS woeful reporting - they've reported on a group of incidents under one headline. If they were serious about their journalism they'd do more investigation on the incident confirmed to involve Bulldogs fans, run that story separately - and THEN run a separate piece on violence on CityRail trains and crew in the regular news.

The reporters in this regard KNOW that people today skim over headlines and skim over articles and are easily persuaded by dot points and other different sorts of journalstic techniques to have the readers believe what they want them to believe. So many of the non-footy-loving general public are turned away because of this.

YOU know the Dogs fans weren't responsible for all of it - I know the Dogs fans weren't responsible for all of it - but average Joe bloggs who reads his paper is just going to think "ugh, look at what they did" and close the paper again.


its the police's responsibility to control the public outside the game. Trying to shift the blame onto Malcolm Noad is not fooling me. After the game?? So now we're responsible for whatever our fans (no confirmation it even was) do 3 days after the game? Absolutely ridiculous if you ask me.

Its like a knife...if it is used to stab somebody you don't blame the makers of the knife, you blame the person who used it. So why blame the Bulldogs?? We've done EVERYTHING possible to stop trouble at the games and it seems to have worked inside the gates. Anything else is the NSW police force's responsibility.