Link pleaseThere's a scene on YouTube atm and they have re used the asteroid chase music from Empire! I'm even more hyped now!
Thanks, that’s awesome. I saw a tv spot as well which had some great stuff in it. Can’t wait for this now.As you wish....might be spoiler though.
My young fella is about to turn 7 and has become obsessed with SW so I’m looking forward to taking him to see this for his first actual cinema showing of a SW film.
Side note, the week leading into ANZAC day, he had to draw soldiers from World War 1 as a school project.
I nearly cried when he drew AT AT Walkers and Storm Troopers blitzing the trenches of Hoth!!!!! Not quite WW1 mate, but it’ll do.
some reviews are in
words used most are
* boring
* pacing sucks
* doesn't flow well
* the kid playing solo is good
* the kid playing lando is great
i'll wait, thanks.
Yep. He is the only common praise this movie is receiving at the moment.Donald Glover owns this movie apparently.
Yep. He is the only common praise this movie is receiving at the moment.
A lot saying that it's just an average cash grab flick.
But as always these days you gotta take critical reviews with a grain of salt.
Woody + Star Wars = WIN
IMDB is savaging it right now
Edit: all the ratings got cleared, was around 4 when I checked last
Why make a decision to see (or not see) a movie based on other people's opinions? By all means perhaps adjust your expectations but it's up to you if you like it or not.
This "i'll wait, thanks." attitude is BS.