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Souths Game


I reckon he played well too first game back. He ran a good line when he dropped that ball. He was over for all money. If we had more guys running lines like that back on the inside at speed I think we would be more effective inside their 20. In my humble opinion.....

IMO, Harrison is the only guy in our current line up that can run a good angle like that and he's looked dangerous doing it a few times this year in the limited games he's played on the edge - thing is, you have one eye on the hole you are running at, so the pass needs to be pretty perfect. If he can get in between defenders or hit holes off short passes more often then more tries will come, or at least give him more chance at effective offloads.

Thompson is also pretty damn good at those lines from what I've seen, so those two on the edge will be good (with the right attacking plan)...it's something I think Friz will be able to do well in the future aswell.


It was a great game and our boys definitely lifted against a tough opponent. It was funny reading this thread after the game to see the emotional roller coaster that is the Saints supporters :D. Hard to pick a 3, 2, 1 for this game but I would have to say:

3. Merrin
2. JDB
1. Duges

But special mentions would definitely go to Morris, Vidot, Harrison, Nighty (congrats) and Quinlan. I hope we can somehow find a way to keep Quinlan in the regular side next year.

On Fien, I know a lot of people are giving it to him but at seasons end when he retires (?) we will be hard pressed to find anyone calling Good Riddance. We've suffered this season but both he and Coops deserved to be out there. All heart.


I cant understand how we feel the win against souths makes any difference to a terrible year with a terrible coach. Souths lost that game. We were giving up an easy 3 try lead as usual and got out of jail with Dugan who has done this already this year. Our defense is not good enough and our attack stinks. Sack Price!


First Grade
The pleasing thing is how we came back playing support footy and a little creativity eg short grubbers.Quinlan's support play shouldn't be underestimated.
The composure we showed in scoring late points was pleasing considering we have struggled for points and we didn't panic.


Fien also produced the grubber/six again that led to the Quinlan try, and laid on the Morris winner at the end. He's a solid player doing the best he can, and we need his experience. You're going to get some dog shit along the way (Roosters game) but we need to accept the good with the bad. Last night we got some good.

Agree totally re Fien - theres good and bad w his play - last night was pretty much his best..but cant help get excited about this starting team this year..(8) players under 23 yo!! especially the way we are playing without a plan...basically playing whats in front of us....

1. Dugan
2. Morris
3. Runciman
4. Stanley
5. Nightingale

6. Quinlan
7. Hastings

8. Merrin
9. King
10. JDB
11. Creagh
12. Harrison
13. Frizell

14. Vidot
15. Weyman
16. Rein
17. Stockwell


First Grade
I cant understand how we feel the win against souths makes any difference to a terrible year with a terrible coach. Souths lost that game. We were giving up an easy 3 try lead as usual and got out of jail with Dugan who has done this already this year. Our defense is not good enough and our attack stinks. Sack Price!

You make a good point but credit where it is due.With 10 to go we could have thrown in the towel,and any team in this position would expect there marquee player to step up.How many times did Lockyer get the Broncos out of the sh*t or Fittler the Rooters.
That is why clubs pay big bucks for a marquee and we have one now.
I cant understand how we feel the win against souths makes any difference to a terrible year with a terrible coach. Souths lost that game. We were giving up an easy 3 try lead as usual and got out of jail with Dugan who has done this already this year. Our defense is not good enough and our attack stinks. Sack Price!

I'm not a fan of Price and by no means do I think our performance was flawless. In fact Souths did play bad and we did enough to win. I am however enjoying the win, the upbeat attitude on here and respite from the negativity. Price has made a few changes that everyone has been calling for and we got a result. I saw a bunch of blokes that put in and had a dig and got a result. I for one won't be dwelling on the negatives....
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First Grade
It's been a depressing season but that win against the old enemy especially the form they're in certainly lifted the spirits and definitely the highlight of the season.

Saint Anger

Fien also produced the grubber/six again that led to the Quinlan try, and laid on the Morris winner at the end. He's a solid player doing the best he can, and we need his experience. You're going to get some dog shit along the way (Roosters game) but we need to accept the good with the bad. Last night we got some good.

Fien looked more and more like a halfback as the game wore on - moreso when we got back to 18 all. His last pass he held back to Morris was a gem. Can't say he never puts in a shift.

A couple of things of note from last night:

Vidot was a beast. End of.

Prior is a prop. :shock:

Dugan is a metre eating machine

We have a 5/8th

Rein didn't blow up nearly as much as I would have liked when he got called for a knock-on.


I too am happy watching a come from behind win against the old enemy and seeing young players like Quinlan get some first grade experience. Looking at it more positively if we had played like this earlier in the season we might be making 8th position. It makes me long for the Bennett era where we started strong and didn't have to chance teams to win. The hallmark of the price era is the slow starts, poor attack and having to chase points in the late stages of the game. Pleasing the the true hero for the dragons Jason Nightingale got the win in his 150th game.


Fien looked more and more like a halfback as the game wore on - moreso when we got back to 18 all. His last pass he held back to Morris was a gem. Can't say he never puts in a shift.

A couple of things of note from last night:

Vidot was a beast. End of.

Prior is a prop. :shock:

Dugan is a metre eating machine

We have a 5/8th

Rein didn't blow up nearly as much as I would have liked when he got called for a knock-on.

Yep, Fien did a good job - some mistakes as usual, but as you say he was morphing into the role as the game wore on. I think he did very well.

Quinlan on the other hand didn't do anything out of the ordinary in the role. The big benefit that he added to the game was his support play. Always there, always hanging around the ruck, always running off the forwards. That was the strength of having him there. As far as what I would call a 5/8th, I think he would need to spend a lot more time in the position to even come close to filling the gap we have with that position. Again, we lack that creativity in the halves...


The Dragons showed last night, when they play off the cuff footy, the opposition have difficulty holding them. To those who say we were lucky because Souths played badly, perhaps you should think, a team only plays as well as the opposition allows. We stayed in the fight last night and didn't throw in the towel. You create your own luck and that's exactly what the Dragons did last night. Souths are the competition leaders the benchmark team. We came back from 18-6 down to win 22-18 against the competition leaders. That is guts. Dugan said after the game last night they were playing with nothing to lose. That will be the attitude for the rest of the year.

Slippery Morris

First Grade
Prior and Fein cop plenty of flack. Glad to see them put in a great performance. These guys put in 110% each game.

You would have thought it was Quinlan's 150th game last night. The guy looks like nothing phases him at all. Very composed and will get better each game. Pity it took so long to give him a crack.


Prior and Fein cop plenty of flack. Glad to see them put in a great performance. These guys put in 110% each game.

You would have thought it was Quinlan's 150th game last night. The guy looks like nothing phases him at all. Very composed and will get better each game. Pity it took so long to give him a crack.

Slippery I agree with you about Quinlan, but I would really like to see him get a shot at half back. He has really good pace and trails big forwards looking for off loads. I thought he was hampered by Fien last night because of his habit of running across field before passing. I also think that giving him first pass off the ruck would give the wide runners more time and freedom.
This is not a knock on Fien by the way, I just think that with Quinlans pace our attack could be more potent.
The only knock I have is on everyone who keeps on about him being small. Slippery Morris, Mark Shulman, Allan Langer and many oyhers have all had outstanding careers.

Cagey Mac

Prior and Fein cop plenty of flack. Glad to see them put in a great performance. These guys put in 110% each game.

You would have thought it was Quinlan's 150th game last night. The guy looks like nothing phases him at all. Very composed and will get better each game. Pity it took so long to give him a crack.

Warren Ryan commented that Quinlan started taking control of the game (mentioned that he started calling plays) and said that he looked like a half back and may well be a solution to Dragon's problems in this area


First Grade
Slippery I agree with you about Quinlan, but I would really like to see him get a shot at half back. He has really good pace and trails big forwards looking for off loads. I thought he was hampered by Fien last night because of his habit of running across field before passing. I also think that giving him first pass off the ruck would give the wide runners more time and freedom.
This is not a knock on Fien by the way, I just think that with Quinlans pace our attack could be more potent.
The only knock I have is on everyone who keeps on about him being small. Slippery Morris, Mark Shulman, Allan Langer and many others have all had outstanding careers.

1000% im sick of the too small comments, been listening to them all year, he cant play halves, cant play fullback, cant play wing etc.. obviously hed love to be taller but that doesnt mean you can discount all the other stuff he does do, bigger blokes wouldnt bounce around as well as he does, he has a tonne of energy and a good head, and will get craploads better if hes allowed to develop in the position.

In terms of halfback, what I cant really see is him taking over all that responsibility that Fien has, including long kicking game, touch-finding, attacking kicking game, leading the team (hes a quiet bloke by nature which is supposedly why he stopped playing #7 originally), and hes had 2 games in the halves (excluding junior years), I think it would be a lot to ask of him with so little time in the middle.

Out of curiosity though, who would you play at 5/8 if Adam played 7? Whoever it is needs to be an actual half with a gun kicking game.


First Grade
With smaller players the best position for them is in the halves where they can use their speed and footwork to beat the bigger less nimble forwards and skills to set up their outside men. A lot of small halves are actually the best at that position, Thurston, Langer, Campbell etc.


Thought Quinlan was great...very composed as mentioned. Did not get heaps of opportunities...but his support play and composure was great. Will only get better. Missed a couple tackles but made a couple good ones also.

Kudos to Prior and Rein (who also cop a lot on here) for good games last night


First step for Quinlan is to get more involved. Next few games he should be trying to get the ball as much as possible, regardless of whats going on. There will be mistakes and he will take the wrong options sometimes, but he needs practice ball in hand...then he will start to learn when to take certain options and when to inject himself and become a real danger player (honestly, I dont think it will take him long to learn this as his confidence grows)...


Agree totally re Fien - theres good and bad w his play - last night was pretty much his best..but cant help get excited about this starting team this year..(8) players under 23 yo!! especially the way we are playing without a plan...basically playing whats in front of us....

1. Dugan
2. Morris
3. Runciman
4. Stanley
5. Nightingale

6. Quinlan
7. Hastings

8. Merrin
9. King
10. JDB
11. Creagh
12. Harrison
13. Frizell

14. Vidot
15. Weyman
16. Rein
17. Stockwell

That's the sort of team we have been hoping for from much earlier in the season. Good blend of youth and experience..lots of potential...a winner.
Hard to see Hastings being rushed in so soon though..otherwise great REBUILDING side.