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Souths web membership drive

Big Bunny

Oh hell, I almost forgot the disclaimer.

Yes melon, you are a victim, as you always are. Everyone on this website is against you and it's all a conspiracy to deliberately draw you into a debate that you want no part in. You didn't bait anyone, you didn't start anything and you certainly aren't a troll.



Big Bunny said:
Oh hell, I almost forgot the disclaimer.

Yes melon, you are a victim, as you always are. Everyone on this website is against you and it's all a conspiracy to deliberately draw you into a debate that you want no part in. You didn't bait anyone, you didn't start anything and you certainly aren't a troll.

Are all Souths fans dickheads Big Bunny?

You'll find I chose to enter the debate about your dumb club, when your dumb fellow supporters started bagging my team, out of the blue and off topic. f**king hell the biggest mistake in the history of rugby league was not letting Souths die. Im not portraying my team as victims you knob. Its SOuths that are portraying us as the big bad banksia men. In hindsight I regret marching for your pathetic club and would take it back in a heartbeat.

Do yourselves a favour and stop listening to George Pigginsh*t. He is f**king your heads good and propper. That prick is half the problem between our clubs, the other half is your fans worship that imbecile.


Souths !!

Most of their fans are just sheep, who say evil things about other clubs, and most are so stupid, they actually believe the old wives tales. What else would you expect from a club who hasnt won in over 34 years?

None of them understand that it was Easts who were the ONLY club NOT to sign News Ltds 14 club agreement, effectively shutting them out of existence entirely. And yet most ignorant geniuss educate other ignorant geniuss ... and therefore Easts are the mortal enemy. But the truth is always obscure, but none of them will ever be smart enough to see it. Meh whatever.

We are like lepers to Souths, and yet in reality, we were their only saviours.


Give them Craig Wing and Braith Anasta back and ill bet souths fans will forgive you.

Thats probably their mindset anyway.



Smartman said:
Give them Craig Wing and Braith Anasta back and ill bet souths fans will forgive you.

Thats probably their mindset anyway.


Why should we ?


Smartman said:
If you want to be liked by souths fans and George Piggins.

Im just saying they're that shallow that all will most likely be forgiven.

LOL George Piggins.

Souths won the minor premiership in 1989. They went bang bang and out of the finals.

George Piggins was the coach in 1989 ... a great coach you would say, having got them to the minor premiership.

The next year, 1990, he became Chairman of Souths. They went from the minor premiership to the wooden spoon.

And in the following years ... 1990 onwards to 2003 ... they NEVER ONCE made the finals, EVER. What does that tell you about Piggins (besides the fact it was the lawyer, Pappas, who REALLY got them back in the comp after finding THE loophole in the law that got them back in, and YET Piggins took the credit !! What does that tell you about Piggins ?

Big Bunny

melon.... said:
Are all Souths fans dickheads Big Bunny?

You'll find I chose to enter the debate about your dumb club, when your dumb fellow supporters started bagging my team, out of the blue and off topic. f**king hell the biggest mistake in the history of rugby league was not letting Souths die. Im not portraying my team as victims you knob. Its SOuths that are portraying us as the big bad banksia men. In hindsight I regret marching for your pathetic club and would take it back in a heartbeat.

Do yourselves a favour and stop listening to George Pigginsh*t. He is f**king your heads good and propper. That prick is half the problem between our clubs, the other half is your fans worship that imbecile.

Oh come off it melon, everyone knows that you sit there at the keyboard looking for a stouch to jump into. You just can't help yourself when Souths are involved. Look at yourself, you're again doing the whole victim routine. "Boohoo, we should have let Souths die, boohoo, if it wasn't for me they would have, WAHHAAHH!" Give it a rest would you? For years now you've attempted to justify every attack you've made, provoked and otherwise, all on past issues you've had with fans. Well get over it! Holding a grudge against an entire club for the arguments you had with a handful of fans is more than just a tad ludicrous and childish.

I don't listen to Piggins and never have and a great many (the majority I might add) of other Souths fans don't either. Not that you'd know that, coming from your fluffy cloud off in fantasyland where it's all about you and how the world is against you and your club. Some might be in favour of his push for Redfern oval, but personally I don't see the clubs future there except in training and as a facility for our juniors, something you long ago forgot about and then slavishly tried to justify without success. Mate, I don't bloody care about your team one iota. The only time it ever matters is when I find you prattling on incessantly about how you hate Souths and alluding to how we're ungrateful to you for your services. Grow up and stop nattering on like some simple old bat in a sanitarium!


Angry_eel said:
he's the uncle of your new 5/8th. SO ya'll heading for the same road.

So f**king what. My uncle is Harry Eden. He's the only guy in the whole world i love and respect more than my own self. Just because he has cancer, it doesnt mean i will have it too.

Mind you, id swap me for Harry, no probs. The world needs Harry(he's a player manager for a few players these days), they sure as sh*t dont need me :)


Big Bunny said:
Oh come off it melon, everyone knows that you sit there at the keyboard looking for a stouch to jump into. You just can't help yourself when Souths are involved. Look at yourself, you're again doing the whole victim routine. "Boohoo, we should have let Souths die, boohoo, if it wasn't for me they would have, WAHHAAHH!" Give it a rest would you? For years now you've attempted to justify every attack you've made, provoked and otherwise, all on past issues you've had with fans. Well get over it! Holding a grudge against an entire club for the arguments you had with a handful of fans is more than just a tad ludicrous and childish.

I don't listen to Piggins and never have and a great many (the majority I might add) of other Souths fans don't either. Not that you'd know that, coming from your fluffy cloud off in fantasyland where it's all about you and how the world is against you and your club. Some might be in favour of his push for Redfern oval, but personally I don't see the clubs future there except in training and as a facility for our juniors, something you long ago forgot about and then slavishly tried to justify without success. Mate, I don't bloody care about your team one iota. The only time it ever matters is when I find you prattling on incessantly about how you hate Souths and alluding to how we're ungrateful to you for your services. Grow up and stop nattering on like some simple old bat in a sanitarium!
Youre one win in 11 years courtesy of the Da Finchy has made you dellusional.

I talk football, football politics, football comedy, football history. I scan through a thread and see a toothless vermin fan, having a dig at my club, off topic and for no reason. And you expect me to be fair and stop whining and simply accept that.

I dont tollerate fools Bunny. Never have. I fact I delight in playing them like a bad Poker hand.

I dont start threads or topics bagging South Sydney for no reason. And I accept there are mental midgets out there who will do the same against my club. But I dont have to tollerate your pathetic supporter base. And neither do you.

Take your "Melon is an old dingbat" sermon and shove it up your Redfern sh*thole.

You arent in any position to "set me straight". Youve got enpugh dramas following and being part of South Sydney and their train of circus freaks.

Just know this, when your moron fans jump at me or my club, I will death ride th evermin bastards.


Smartman said:
If you want to be liked by souths fans and George Piggins.

Im just saying they're that shallow that all will most likely be forgiven.
We dont want to be "liked" by Souths fans. We just want Souths fans to f**king wake up and realise, their f**king neighbours, ei.e. Easts and their fans, stood up for them in their hour of need.

We have earnt SOME respect from the rejects. But they just want to sling sh*t in our faces, like the fructrated gorillas at Taronga Zoo.

The problem is educating these f**king morons, hellbent on living in 1958.
They dont know enough about Easts and the history between our clubs, but make teh calls they cant possibly be equiped to make.

Then big guns like Big Bunny play high and mighty and try and make old man Melon seem like a bitter, twisted, trolling git. Why? Because his fans base are mental midgets. Sure Bunny take it out in me. Take it out on Easts.

Big Bunny

melon.... said:
We dont want to be "liked" by Souths fans. We just want Souths fans to f**king wake up and realise, their f**king neighbours, ei.e. Easts and their fans, stood up for them in their hour of need.

We have earnt SOME respect from the rejects. But they just want to sling sh*t in our faces, like the fructrated gorillas at Taronga Zoo.

The problem is educating these f**king morons, hellbent on living in 1958.
They dont know enough about Easts and the history between our clubs, but make teh calls they cant possibly be equiped to make.

Then big guns like Big Bunny play high and mighty and try and make old man Melon seem like a bitter, twisted, trolling git. Why? Because his fans base are mental midgets. Sure Bunny take it out in me. Take it out on Easts.

Wow, what a slightly impressive gush of hot air. You do realise that you failed to say a single thing different to your last few posts don't you?

Some Rooster fans have respect, it's because they have earned it by being fair minded. People like Southern Rooster for example, a fan who for the most part offers intelligent reasoning behind what he says. You on the other hand are a whiney twit with a deep seated need, nay lust, for being on the receiving end of a public masturbatory session. This isn't about Souths and the Roosters, really it's all about you and how you've low esteem and need to feel better about yourself. Well like most other people I'm not going to sit around stroking your ego and you should wake up to yourself and stop expecting it.


Big Bunny said:
Wow, what a slightly impressive gush of hot air. You do realise that you failed to say a single thing different to your last few posts don't you?

Some Rooster fans have respect, it's because they have earned it by being fair minded. People like Southern Rooster for example, a fan who for the most part offers intelligent reasoning behind what he says. You on the other hand are a whiney twit with a deep seated need, nay lust, for being on the receiving end of a public masturbatory session. This isn't about Souths and the Roosters, really it's all about you and how you've low esteem and need to feel better about yourself. Well like most other people I'm not going to sit around stroking your ego and you should wake up to yourself and stop expecting it.
LOL. I cant feel any better! I have supported Easts for over 30 years. Im not a rabbits fan. It doesnt get better than that!


Smartman said:
Give them Craig Wing and Braith Anasta back and ill bet souths fans will forgive you.

Thats probably their mindset anyway.


Anasta? Wing? who are they?? NOONE SPECIAL .. and we dont want them back ..


Alba said:
Anasta? Wing? who are they?? NOONE SPECIAL .. and we dont want them back ..

Yet your team was ready to throw theor cheque book at them to get them.......

Big Bunny, wake up to yourself, ever since souths have come into the comp they have played the victim ! yet the roosters get blamed for all of souths problems !

Wake up to yourself, Easts supported your team, easts marched with your team, yet your team and fans are happy to pour sh*t on us for no reason.

Wake up and show some respect to the only team that has played in every competition since 1908 !
melon.... said:
And yet we still finished higher than your pathetic club...again. We were spastics this year and didnt deserve to be there. souths have been spastics for 35 years, yet your fans keep harping about how 'your' *cough* juniors are goning to get you there.

Mighty Rabbit ( now there's a fitting oxymoron for a moron), Easts were sh*t in 2005, yet finished streets ahead of your redfern crap again. That pretty much says it all, and will always put a smile on my face.

people will call me a wanker, a hard arse, a sook. You know what's funny? souths fans have NO REASON to hate my club. We stuck up for you pricks when you got (rightly) booted. We've always exchanged players for decades, and when we are on the verge of forgiving your f**ked club for stealing our local clubs, a moron with an oxymoron name, like Mighty Rabbit, sprouts sh*t forth from nowhere and f**ks it up for everyone.

Given half a chance, I would gladly allow Souths to die next time, and regret the fact i marched for them in my tricolours, because my tragic sad spaz mate was gutted.

Your 'credibility' is a joke.

You really shouldn't be calling other people morons, because weren't you the dumb f**k who said that the Tigers were just making up the numbers before the semi finals started ? :lol:

Your rugby league knowledge is poor at best

You say the Roosters finished streets ahead of Souths in 2005 :lol::lol::lol:
Check the ladder again.

To clarify another thing, it was a fool who supports your Roosters who took the original topic down a different road when he 'contributed' the statement that Souths were a laughing stock, I replied to his statement and then you had to put your 2 cents in (and 2 cents is probably overvaluing your contribution)

Wow, you insulted my profile name - I wonder how long it took you to come up with that.

I wouldn't waste my time entering a battle of wits with you, because frankly the only thing about you that involves wit, is the fact you are a complete f**kwit.

You're a walking advertisement for using contraception


First Grade
It's like we say in The Burrow,
You can shove your Braith Anasta up your arse..

We have Sutton.


melon.... said:
Do yourselves a favour and stop listening to George Pigginsh*t. He is f**king your heads good and propper. That prick is half the problem between our clubs, the other half is your fans worship that imbecile.

Don't let facts get in the way of a good story. I think you'll find Piggins support has dwindled away with most supporters who look for the answers to why we are in the predicment that we are in/ or were in. Reading your posts it's easy to see your the geatest pole smoker in the history of the world wide web. It's obvious to all you have little or no idea regarding Rugby League, or the importance of a good solid junior base. Yes we have let jnrs slip through our fingers, yes we ve probably destroyed a few young kids careers from miss management and inept coaching staff and facilities. We have identified these areas and are working hard to rectify these issues. We all can't run around with brown paper bags doing dodgy's under the table to buy a premiership. You guys have ago about living in the past. But you guys bang on how successfully your been. Out of your dominance, your players, your bags of money, coaches, have your mob on our tele's blowing smoke up our arse how good the Roosters are, and all you have is one Premiership against the Warriors. You should change your name from the Sydney City Roosters to the Sydney City Seconds.