Qld is fine. Well north qld anyway, can't say much about the rest. He'll of alot better than 'gold standard' nsw!
Gold standard is 100k new cases a day.
If you get the pox, or think you have it, the advice now is to stay at home because the hospital system can’t cope.
For the vast majority of people that might be ok, but there’s a number at risk. Oldsters, already sick etc. Theres no tests here, every day you’re sent a message you’ve been somewhere where it was detected at the same time.
Half our staff have it and are banned from work.
Oh yeah, no chicken today at Woolworths in the pre pack. Whole shelf gone.
People are preparing to get it.
If the states are bad, the federal outlook is worse.
Scomo is without a clue, won’t get us any tests, last week the opposition leader was mumbling on about fast trains. People are dying of co vid and he wants to blow billions on a railway version of Tesla. A giant train set
@Quigs might agree with it though. He loves his model railways. And that dodgy fatheaded useless prick supporting people’s right to get co vid and die.
This country is ripe for an invasion or maybe a military coup, but no one could be bothered.
Buderim is as far north as I have made it. Very beautiful part of the world. Paradise.