Our squad has underachieved this year and by definition that means lack of talent isn't the problem. Shit attitudes are the problem, and as soon as they're gone we can expect a happy, unified team.
You could also argue we overachieved last year. That being the case, if we’re realistically a mid-table/fringe finals team then talent has to play some part. We should be aiming to be a definite top 4 team so I think a mix of improving the roster and attitude within the squad will get us there.
You have to find a balance and if you can remove a poor attitude and not lose too much talent wise then you do it. However, if the removal of the poor attitude (only off the field) leaves a gaping hole in talent within the roster then it is a net loss. We’re better of persisting with the shit attitude for one more year until we find an option that is a net gain.
Removing French would be a good example of a net gain. It appears on the surface that he doesn’t have a very good attitude and we don’t lose much by removing him from the squad. Norman on the other hand, leaves us a decent spine option short.