I thought the movie was really really good, and i'm not even an original Trekie, the opening scene was quite awesome, nearly shed a tear. I was curious to find out from Trekie fans as to was the movie an adaptation or was it based on a certain series, and if so, how accurate was it?
Well, basically the official Star Trek line is it's an alternate reality.
That is, from the moment Eric Bana turns up in his kick-ass Romulan mining behemoth,
all of Star Trek becomes different - the only series that exists untouched in the movies universe is Enterprise, being set prior to it (and including the subtle reference to Admiral Archer's beagle).
So, it's Star Trek - The Original Series, but on a different tangent. As far as that goes, it's really accurate. It keeps (for the most part) back stories and such in tact. Kirk is the obvious exception - his entire backstory is flipped on its head by the death of George Kirk snr. in the opening scene. But the stuff like Spock telling the Vulcan Science Academy where to go and all that, bang on.