eisen said:Found this picture while browsing, don't know if it is legit, but it does look cool. For anyone who doesn't know, Hayden Christensen will be playing the role of both Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader in Episode III.
Can't wait 8)
I'm not so sure about that. It will tie up some loose ends, but as far as I know (being a slight SW nerd ) Han Solo hasn't even been born yet, nor has Lando and I'm not sure if the Falcon even exists yet.Sith has alot to live up to in that it has to tie up alot of loose ends....like Jabba and Han Solo, Lando, Milenium Falcon, and Chewbacca.
Movie could easily go for 150 mins
Booyah said:Chewbacca will definantly be in it, but his 'past' says he and the other Wookies were Imperial slaves, so I'm guessing he'll be seen with a whole bunch of other Wookies.
eisen said:And don't expect Padme Amidala to be breathing by the end either.. :shock:
eisen said:Leia was raised as the daughter of Bail Organa (played by Jimmy Smits), First Chairman of the planet Alderaan.
eisen said:.
The only soppy stuff should be Anakin and Padme's wedding, hopefully :roll: