A couple of weeks ago when I saw The Martian I had some chump next to me lighting up the cinema texting on his iPhone 6 plus.
I told him that if it continued I would jam it so far down his throat he would require a proctologist to send a text message in future.
Moral of the story is don't be a jerk and observe cinema etiquette.
I think its Han who dies.
I have read and heard that Harrison Ford wanted him to die in Return Of The Jedi.
And was a bit pissed when it didn't happen too.
Probably only signed onto this movie so that Harrison gets the death he always wanted.
I think its Han who dies.
I have read and heard that Harrison Ford wanted him to die in Return Of The Jedi.
And was a bit pissed when it didn't happen too.
Probably only signed onto this movie so that Harrison gets the death he always wanted.
If Han doesn't die I'll be very surprised.
Luke going to the dark side would shit on the original 3 movies and go 100% against the character developed.
You do nothing to address any of my points re: Lukes potential susceptibility to the dark side at all, really. What makes you so sure of his intrinsic good and uncorruptability? If anything, I've already illustrated that is naive given that far more learned and trained Jedi have fallen to the dark side in the past - and not just Anakin. Luke is a very, very poor excuse for a Jedi at best... and is more like a kid with a shotgun.1. Anakin brought balance to the force by wiping out the Jedi order and going on to become Vader.
2. Your second point has nothing to do with Luke going to the dark side, more so of good intentions going awry, which is more plausible given Luke's nature in 4-6.
The thing that movies 1-3 illustrated in my mind was that Anakin always had a darkness to his character and that Luke was the better man. It would be stupid to have him follow the exact same arc as his father, although we could have a final scene of Luke riding in an x-wing into the death star l, sons of anarchy style.
That first screenshot has bugged me for a while, too. It almost looks like Kylo is photoshopped (poorly) into the shot, given the amount of snow blasting across the faces of the troopers immediately behind him. The shot will probably make sense in motion... but there's definitely some cards that JJ is keeping close to his chest around Kylo and Luke. I'm sure one of the theories kicking around will nail it... i'll be even more impressed if they don't.I've watched the trailer and people's reactions to it about a million times. The hype is real.
While I am remiss to say that I reckon Luke has turned to the dark side, mostly because of the photo of him in costume channeling Old Obi Wan, I do find it interesting the only characters we haven't seen yet are him and Kylo Ren.
The most we've seen of Ren is his back when he attacks Finn. The only chance that Luke has turned to the dark is if this guy:
Is actually not the Master and is in fact the Apprentice to this guy:
Which, if you notice their sleeves in both shots, is very unlikely. They're the same dude.