The problem is that solutions are often too short sighted. The left believe all is well and more money/investment will solve the problems. The right believe that nothing is delivered from all that funding, so cut it significantly (however, that also doesn't work either, even if it is economically good for Australia). Then people say, 'well let Aboriginal people decide what they want, and let them fix their own problems,' but this is also a failure because the most high profile Indigenous spokespersons are closely connected, officially or unofficially, to Labor, the Greens and to a lesser extent, the Liberals, anyway.
Real change will come for Aboriginal people when we ourselves (as individuals) take care of ourselves irrespective of whether the Government or wider Australian population gives a damn or not. The problem is, we are so used to expecting so little of ourselves that we are destined to fail. The left wingers will tell us we are good people, and hug us with all the symbolic kind words. But they believe we are incapable of achieving things in life without the state and public giving us a stack of money, services and apologies. Whether they realise it or not, they are just setting the bar even lower for us. What happened to the saying of 'reach for the moon, and if you don't reach it, stay up with the stars'. The left has the attitude that the moon and stars are too far away from us, so aim even lower (and blame the white people for it).
The right wing at least gets it that we need personal responsibility and jobs to look after ourselves, but many on the right also think we are incapable and hold views like: 'you're one of the few good Aborigines compared to the others I know'. While they have a point that many successful Aboriginal people are the minority within their families/clans, it is still a continuation of that low bar setting thinking where most of us are doomed to fail. That is why I go back to my earlier point: "Real change will come for Aboriginal people when we ourselves (as individuals) take care of ourselves whether the Government or wider Australian population gives a damn or not".