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Steve Rogers on BSB


Did anyone else hear the interview this morning on The Big Sports Breakfast on 2KY?

Seems Sludge is determined to pin the entire downward slide on the players and is content to accept yesterdays embarassment as normal at this end of the season.

He's adamant that there is no problem in the club and that senior players always meet to discuss the clubs situation. Also couldnt understand why the media weren't on the Roosters case considering their big loss and downward slide (nice try Sludge).

To close the interview his last words were : " It's not Stuart or I that are missing tackles or dropping balls".



First Grade
1st mantra of SHarks management, cover thine own ar$e first.

Well done Steve, Barry would be proud.


The blame for yesterday can't be placed on the coach or the board. Sure, some of the selections were crap, but IMO the blame lies squarely on the shoulders of our players with their (dare I say it) 'ill discipline'. Massive changes HAVE to be made for the sake of our season.

Raper has gotta step in and tell Kimmorley he's playing like a dick. Is Raper scared of him or something?

While I agree that the board and coaching staff are doing sh*t jobs, in the end the players are playing the game, dropping the balls and missing the tackles. If we continue to play like this, we can write off our season.
the season is gone max.

if sludge et al expect the players to put their hand up they should lead by example. what he is doing is only going to worsen the rift developing between admin and players. i get the feeling he was a great player but an average at best administrator. very poor


Strange position. When questioned after the match yesterday about the performance and the disapointing effort late in the game, a board member spoke openly and forthright. He said it was the coaches fault.

IT just highlights that within the club, everyone is pointing the finger at everyone else besides themselves.

The club needs someone to stand up, put their name to decisions and back thier decisions and accept responsibility for decisions.

We have a board who refuses to accept any responsibility.

We have a coach who blames the players.

we have players who are blaming the coach in "secret meetings"

we have a ceo who blames the players.

I wish our outside backs could pass the ball as well as everyone at our club is passing the buck at present.


What do you think will be the end result of that article being published in the Tele. Will Rogers, Raper and the board just pretend it didn't happen and let it slide.

Hopefully as CEO, he will tackle the issue head on. If the meeting did take place and he genuinely didn't know about it, he should make it his business to find out who was invloved and what was said.

Act like a true CEO - find out what is causing disharmony, speak to all the individuals involved, and to the the other players. Find out what is making them unhappy. Get Raper involved - if the players don't support what he is doing, get them talking about it, tackle the hard issues.

If our 7 most senior players have a problem with the coach and the club in general, you would think our CEO would want to know why. Please don't bury your head in the sand again Sludge!!


black_dot said:
Strange position. When questioned after the match yesterday about the performance and the disapointing effort late in the game, a board member spoke openly and forthright. He said it was the coaches fault.

IT just highlights that within the club, everyone is pointing the finger at everyone else besides themselves.

The club needs someone to stand up, put their name to decisions and back thier decisions and accept responsibility for decisions.

We have a board who refuses to accept any responsibility.

We have a coach who blames the players.

we have players who are blaming the coach in "secret meetings"

we have a ceo who blames the players.

I wish our outside backs could pass the ball as well as everyone at our club is passing the buck at present.

:clap: :clap: :clap:
I agree too Black Dot. But the problem with Sludge's comments is, if you have a coach and CEO who blame the players, surely the first step would be to drop the non-performers. When have we seen this happen? Apart from Covell and Mellor being dropped a few weeks ago, no-one.

We're a rabble and, despite hanging on to 8th spot at the moment and still with a realistic chance of making the finals, mentally we are gone. Bennett could turn around a 40+ point loss when the Broncos were thumped by Melbourne, but Raper is nowhere near the same class of coach as Bennett is.


mellor wasnt dropped. He was injured.
the only change raper has made is to sack Covell.
so in Rapers eyes, the entire reason for our last 8 weeks, is Covell.

Joes Milk Bar

imasharkie said:
Obviously Mr. Raper doesn't read his emails.
dont think anyone does. i sent them a simple email question last week via the website (not to rogers, pierce or anyone special and nothing at all about current mess) and no reply


It's not the first meeting though is it?

This has been ongoing and although I normally agree with Max I can't blame the players for yesterday 100% at all. They did the same they have been doing all year. I would assume they haven't mutinied yet so they must be following instructions. Instructions which are flawed, outdated and impossible to succeed with.

I think we all know that what is getting served up by the players is not their best. Many things will go into that. Desire, committment, confidence to name a few.

But if anyone doesn't think it's the coaches job to instill and nurture these things they have blinkers on.


It's the game plan.....simple as that.....attack's too flat.......defence is a staggered shambles.....apart from al l that.....Kingston hooker..dykes half...hilder 5/8 or aitken 1/2 dykes 5/8...give BK a release......it's all over....just let him go......


How many of you guys have voiced your opinions on the BSB or 2UE etc. Maybe it would be a good way to get our views accross. e.g everybody ring the BSB 2morrow morning and give it to Rogers and Raper.


First Grade
few guys did this morning, one got cut off due to potenial litigation, he commented mainly on the booing after the game and some issues with regard to players not being invited to presos????? anyone else got any news on this


black_dot said:
Strange position. When questioned after the match yesterday about the performance and the disapointing effort late in the game, a board member spoke openly and forthright. He said it was the coaches fault.

IT just highlights that within the club, everyone is pointing the finger at everyone else besides themselves.

The club needs someone to stand up, put their name to decisions and back thier decisions and accept responsibility for decisions.

We have a board who refuses to accept any responsibility.

We have a coach who blames the players.

we have players who are blaming the coach in "secret meetings"

we have a ceo who blames the players.

I wish our outside backs could pass the ball as well as everyone at our club is passing the buck at present.
Classic summation - BD - However the above sounds like a script for a Soap Opera or a comedy or both!!!