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Stirring the Pot


BeenThere said:
YAWN -- you have just demonstrated once again, your COMPLETE lack of knowledge about anything Rugby League (and probably any thing else for that matter). In the English game the term halfback is used for both the number 7 and the number 6. He has been playing 5/8 you IDIOT.

Their 5/8's feed the scrum do they BT ?


Who really follows Super League over here though. I like to hear how the ex sharks are going but apart from that I really couldn't care less about it.


I ber to differ Mcsharkie, I'd love to see more of it shown live on Fox late night at weekends rather than fricking bowls from spain or clay court tennis from brazil !

It's interesting to watch ex NRL players form all clubs run around and you get to see some very good UK grown footballers that I reckon our club could certainly look at in the future.

As for 5/8 's being called a HALFBACK, well, I've posted in the UKSL forum to ask the experts if they've ever heard of that, cause I certainly haven't but may be wrong.

If of couse the Poms also have never heard of 5/8's being referred to as the HALFBACK, then BT is going to look pretty damn silly for his attack on MR_SHarks, and his cred is going to sliiiiiiide, no vanish :)

If Bt is right, then he's taught me something about rugby league that I'd never heard of before, even after spending 4 months in the UK watching SL !

Video Ref decision pending !


I'm with you Beeks.

Having a 6 week old kid means I get to do a fair bit of late night viewing .
They should have a dedicated NRL channel.

The only thing that keeps me going back to Kylie Kwongs cooking show is the knowlegde that she is a leso.


Sure Beeks, I'd take it over those sports too, I don't care about the results though.


Ahhh carch , we're singing from the same hym book now mate ! :)

I've become a recent expert on lifestyle channel " property Ladder" "Grand Designs" animal channel " Animal Precint" " Breed all about it" etc etc !


beekershark said:
Ahhh carch , we're singing from the same hym book now mate ! :)

I've become a recent expert on lifestyle channel " property Ladder" "Grand Designs" animal channel " Animal Precint" " Breed all about it" etc etc !

Sometimes if I'm lucky I'll catch "The Man Show" on the comedy channel.


Dedicated everything channels will be upon us soon.
Wait till subscription hits 1.5 - 1.8 million then expect to see a plethora of them.
Like your golf?


Well here's one . . .

was outstanding today. Really starting to come into his own at halfback, and was one of the very few who came out of last weeks game with any credit.

To say this was a pretty much unfamiliar position to him before he came, he is doing an fantastic job.

and here is another

Stevo calls the 6 and 7 halfbacks alot in commentary, but they only say it collectively. I don't know if it's the correct term or not but the poms use it all the time.

and I will find you more from the pommy discussion boards when I get some time.


...just a note on Salford's halfbacks given that the Reds are in good form.

Both of them are playing through injuries at present. Luke Robinson has a stress fracture in his shin, whilst Andrew Dunneman has a hamstring problem. All it takes is a cruel twist of fate and they could have a halfback problem too.

Another point to note is that in the League Express match report for Salford v Wigan, Mike Latham states, Quote:
"On this display, Wigan do not look like winning away from home."

Yesterday was a bad result for us. I for one was very dissapointed in the scoreline (how could anyone consider a club record defeat any other way?) but that is not to say I don't think we are capable of winning future games.

We can (and will) compete with Harlequins!

Yours in sport,
The Jester


McSharkie said:
Who really follows Super League over here though. I like to hear how the ex sharks are going but apart from that I really couldn't care less about it.

I do. I watch every game I can on Fox and subscribe to their League Mags as well.

That's because I'm a truey true truest of the true league fan. Don't care where I get it, as long as it's footy.


carcharias said:
I'm with you Beeks.

Having a 6 week old kid means I get to do a fair bit of late night viewing .
They should have a dedicated NRL channel.

The only thing that keeps me going back to Kylie Kwongs cooking show is the knowlegde that she is a leso.

Ching's show is better, and she's straight! :lol:


Just on this issue of semantics, I also frequent the pommie boards and have often read where a 5/8 is called a halfback. It's very common that both are called halves.

If people are keeping up to date with the SL they'd know Zeus is playing 5/8. He wears Jordan and Warnes number. 23. So what if he fed a scrum or 2. Every weekend in every game someone other than the bloke wearing 7 feeds a scrum or 2.


He doesnt just feed a scrum or two mate, he feeds plenty of em, he also stands at halfback many more times a match than he stands wider.

Which begs the question, is he given a roving " half" role at Cas ? or are they swapping half and 5/8 throughout the game ?

Eitherway, the point really is Mute, cause Raper, or any coach in the NRl wasn't going to put Zuess into 5/8 for us ahead of Dykes or Vagana or even Bird unfortunately, as much as raper or any other coach would put Zuessx into half ahead of NOddy or Dykes.


beekershark said:
Eitherway, the point really is Mute, cause Raper, or any coach in the NRl wasn't going to put Zuess into 5/8 for us ahead of Dykes or Vagana or even Bird unfortunately, as much as raper or any other coach would put Zuessx into half ahead of NOddy or Dykes.

Is that an oxymoron?!... or just a moron??!

Btw beeker, we call 5/8 and 1/2 the "halfbacks" in Australia too!


No we don't Aries.

the 5/8 and the halfback together play in the HALVES.

the same way that the centres and wingers play in the THREE QUARTER LINE

and the fullback, he's just the fullback :)

IN australia, as we have been doing in this forum since it began, we call the number 7 the HALFBACK, and the number 6 the 5/8.

Never, Ever, was fittler referred to as a HALFBACK. Nor Daley, Lewis, not even the wanker from st george Barret is referred to as HALFBACK when playing in number 6 for his drag'ins. But it was always news when he was selected at HALFBACK ( number 7) OUT OF POSITION in a test team.

Similarly, Ricky stuart, Aflie LAnger and Andrew johns are never considered, or called stand offs, or 5/8s, or fly halfs.

The two positions are totally different and have always been called as much.