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Stuart has blue print of Origin revival


First Grade
Here's a hint

Whilst Origin requires passion and commitment etc etc etc it also requires SKILLFUL players playing in THEIR STRONGEST POSITION. Queensland never pick players out of position - NSW does it every time.

Picking wankers like Peter Wallace is not an option. Neither is picking Jamal Idris out of position in the hope he will cope.

We need to pick our BEST available fullback (and he better be a f**king full back for his club) - our BEST available halfback our BEST available five eighth and our best available HOOKER. All these players should play there for their clubs. No Gidley at hooker - no Jamie Lyon at five eighth etc etc etc.

Fullback - Dugan / Hayne / Stewart
Hooker - Farah / Ennis
Halfback - Pearce
Five Eighth - Campese - Carney

Skills though are paramount. Picking someone for grunt in a skills position and then hoping that whoever you throw into halfback will magically turn into Andrew Johns isnt really a game plan (although we've prayed it is).

You can play a player out of position, but he'd better be the absolute f**king ducks nuts. ie If Johns is at halfback then Fittler at lock ISNT silly as they're both among the greatest players ever. However, chucking Greg Bird or Jamie Lyon to five eighth and ignoring other specialist five eighths isnt very smart. As good as those players are they need to play in THEIR best positions.

I'd like to see Carney, Pearce and Campese play together in the future, but that means throwing Campese into lock, much in the way that Anasta plays Lock for the Roosters. He's big enough and adds passing and kicking ie potency to the attack. It also assists covering for injuries in the halves and allows you to play brute force in lock to start and bring in Campese as a skills player later in each half.


One of Gallen's other bigger problems is how he sometimes stifles back line movements if he injects himself into the play. He will always run it attempt to offload it while he is at the line, rather than just passing it on immediately.
Noticed a couple of times in the NZ game he got the ball, stopped and ran back infield, when a simply early pass to Tate would of got them a couple more tries.

I do also agree with Tezza though, sometimes we might give a dumb penalty away and give QLD great field position, but we need to be able to defend a set of 6 on our goal line, or we will never win.
Obviously that's true. It certainly doesn't help though when Gallen coughs up possession or gives away penalties, as he so often has.


Mitchell Pearce a favourite for the captaincy? Surely not

It should go to Luke Lewis IMO

I would think the only reason not Lewis is time spent on the bench.

Gallen will most likely play 70+ minutes under Stuart. Lewis maybe 60 odd?

Pearce captain is a risk, he still hasn't shown he is an Origin lock in for mine, Carney on the other hand would play 80 mins, be a lock in to be selected AND would have the smarts (on the field) to be captain.

Joker's Wild

Carney or Pearce would be a mistake as far as the captaincy goes. They both need to concentrate on doing their jobs right and not have the added pressure/work load of being skipper to worry about on top of that.

Its going to be a tough call whoever they decide to pick but experience in SOO would have to be key I think. Lewis, Gallen or Bird in that order imo



Interesting post from Sticky. I have never doubted his passion for NSW, and unlike Bellamy, he has no mates on the opposite side of the corridor. He couldn't give a f**k about them.

Having lived in Brisbane for the better part of the last 5 years, I wouldn't say Qlders have more passion for Origin than NSW fans. I would say it's more that they spend all year, every year with that chip on the shoulder, that belief that the rest of the world has got it in for them and they are the underdogs because of it. Look at Mal Meninga's quote in my sig- that was spoken in the last year too! NSW fans care more about winning. Qlders care more about beating NSW, if that makes any sense. If Origin was a tri-series between NSW, Qld and NZ, Blues fans would care just as much about beating the opposition if the game was between us and the Kiwis. I get the distinct impression Qlders wouldn't feel that same burning desire to win if it were the men in Black the Maroons were lining up against.

As for Sticky's comment about Qld businessmen wearing their jerseys- Suncorp is practically in the CBD. They go straight to the game from work. With ANZ being out at Homebush, in the heart of the west, a lot of these same NSW supporting businessmen go straight home from their jobs in the CBD, get out of their work attire into their Blues gear, and then head to the game.

I remember my junior playing days, and the ritual thrashing you would get at pre-season training in the middle of summer. The sun would burn down and all you wanted to do was have a breather or have another drinks break. Everytime I thought about cutting corners or not putting in 100%, I would think "Just imagine if you were doing it for NSW- you would never give any less than 100%" and as a result I never did. The thing is, I am certain there are many more reading this right now who this also rang true for, and many, many more who play or follow League in NSW right now who it also rings true for. As for the Axe's backhanded compliment, that wasn't doing a Qld on Qld. That was what happens when NSW have a team who are all giving 100% and won't let down the Good old Sky Blue, because there is over 100 years of pride in that jersey. It would be nothing short of an insult to the legendary past NSW players to give anything less.

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Post Whore
NSW fans care more about winning. Qlders care more about beating NSW,

Of course we do, it's origin, the opposition is NSW. Who should we care about beating in Origin?

Maybe is NSW felt the same they would do much better.. Oh, and pick decent teams of course but with the appointment of Stuart this isn't going to happen any time soon.

if that makes any sense. If Origin was a tri-series between NSW, Qld and NZ, Blues fans would care just as much about beating the opposition if the game was between us and the Kiwis


NSW would probably lose against them as well..


Missing the point of my argument Mong. If the hypothetical tri-series was in place and NSW lost to the Kiwis in the final and the Kiwis got the shield, NSW (team and fans) would be quite pissed off at losing. If it were Qld and the Kiwis, the Maroons fans would be disappointed, but then turn round and go "At least we got further than NSW!"


Post Whore
That's a good argument, a hypothetical situation with a hypothetical outcome based on your hatred of QLD.

Is this how you deal with losing 5 in a row at the moment?

Never mind though.. Ricky the saviour is here now :lol:

Big Pete

I love the generalisations.

Pretty close too, although NSW fans would want their team to lose if certain players were picked...

Joker's Wild

Sure.. NSW fans have little idea what they are talking about.

Look at the kind of team most want to pick.. Says it all really.

Not sure what this is meant to mean

Care to put up the Blues team you would pick if you were a NSW fan? Just to prove that you know so much

Big Pete said:
Pretty close too, although NSW fans would want their team to lose if certain players were picked..

lol What?
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Big Pete

Hey if we're making half cocked generalisations I may as well make that one.

How many times have you seen NSW fans post that?

Tweed Titan

Sure.. NSW fans have little idea what they are talking about.

Look at the kind of team most want to pick.. Says it all really.

Random generalisation? Fans don't pick teams anyway. I'm sure all QLDers are experts in their football knowledge, because their SOO team is doing well. :roll:


Post Whore
Going by knighmares posts i thought generalisations on a mass scale are what we were doing in this thread?

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