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Stuart should get his own house in order - Bellamy


:lol::lol: You do know where you are dont you....its not a court of law...and what happens if someone says something and doesnt
back it up...
what wrath can this person expect from you...

You lose any credibility you may have had left.

Ram Man

You lose any credibility you may have had left.

It was just a question....

I really dont think too many people care about their credibility on a face-less and name-less forum...but you can always wish in one hand and $hit in the other and see which one fills up first..


You asked for a player's witness- it may not be Friend or Cross, but it is a player, and who's to say his testimony is not valid? And I get the feeling that if Friend or Cross did give a similar testimony, they would be 'disgruntled' as well- like Steve Irwin from the Raiders....

Well you wanted Ben Cross's take on the whole grapple issue and here it is so take from it what you like...

NSW Country Origin prop Ben Cross has lifted the lid on rugby league's latest grappling controversy, claiming NRL clubs have been coaching the "chicken wing'' technique for at least three years.
In a revelation sure to add fuel to the grapple debate, Cross also claims that every NRL player would be trained to use the wrestling manoeuvre.
It was dubbed the "chicken wing'' tackle last week, but Cross said he was first coached in the technique at the Canberra Raiders in 2005.
Cross said he had since received the same coaching from wrestling gurus at the Melbourne Storm and Newcastle Knights.
The front-rower said NRL players were taught to pull a ball-carrier's free arm away from his body to stop him from propping himself up. It is designed to slow down the speed of the play-the-ball.
Cross also admitted it did have the potential to cause injury if players "take it a bit too far''.
Melbourne have again come under fire for being the instigators of the latest grappling move.
But Cross said it was under a wrestling coach at Canberra when Matt Elliott was in charge that he first experienced it.
"It's trained for at every club,'' Cross said.
"I remember when I was back at the Raiders in 2005 we used to practise it. It's not a new thing.
"We'd practise with the footy and (the wrestling coach) would show us how to stop guys from rolling on to their front to get a quick play-the-ball,'' Cross said.
"The standard move was to grab that prop-arm. It's been in the game for a while.
"Clubs have been doing it since I've been in the league since 2003 and I remember we practised it hard at the Raiders in 2005, just grabbing the arm that doesn't have the ball so players can't prop themselves on the ground.''
Cross said the motive behind the technique was not designed to injure the attacker.
"The idea is to hold (the arm) up, out or back in some way to stop the guy from using it to keep himself on his stomach or get himself up off the ground quicker.''
But asked if the tackle technique had the potential to get out of control, Cross said: "If blokes take it a bit too far or if the guy with the ball is fighting against the defender I guess it could get out of control.''

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Anyone who thinks the Storm didn't start these tactics has zero credibility

Once again prove that the storm started all these tactics... The article i just posted above showed that Ben Cross had been trained in the chicken wing in 2005 before he came to the storm, 2 years before the storm were named inventors of the tackle...
SO once again where is your proof?
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Of course he was in 2005. Storm started this in 2003 in a game against Canberra. I challenge you to view the footage, if you can find it and deny it. Prove it once and for all. Show me evidence. Blah blah blah. Keep going try hard.

Get it through your thick skull. There is footage of them doing it in 2003. Shown on Channel nine last night.

Congrats. You have zero credibility


Of course he was in 2005. Storm started this in 2003 in a game against Canberra. I challenge you to view the footage, if you can find it and deny it. Prove it once and for all. Show me evidence. Blah blah blah. Keep going try hard

Oh storm was first accused of the grapple in 2003 so if i find one picture of a grapple tackle before 2003 i win that argument do i because your stating that the first ever grapple tackle was in 2003 in the game with Canberra... Once again I’m not denying the storm grapple and have grappled in the past but I do contest that they invented every single wrestling hold and were the first to ever use them…
And you started that storm started all those tactics and i proved you wrong with the fact that Ben Cross admitted Canberra trained him in the chicken wing back in 2005... 2 whole years before the storm was first seen doing the tackle against Nathan Cayless and 3 years before being named as creators by Warren Smith this year.
Yet again more name calling can't you ever manage to have an argument without having to resort to names???


Of course he was in 2005. Storm started this in 2003 in a game against Canberra. I challenge you to view the footage, if you can find it and deny it. Prove it once and for all. Show me evidence. Blah blah blah. Keep going try hard.

Get it through your thick skull. There is footage of them doing it in 2003. Shown on Channel nine last night.

Congrats. You have zero credibility

Chicken wing not grapple. Storm were only credited with the invention of the chicken wing last year.

How could the storm of invented it last year if it had been taught somewhere else before the naming ceremony.

He brings you evidence and you shoot it down. Would you like a nice picture collage as words are a little hard for you to understand?

Just becuase people repeat the same nonsense over and over again does not make it a fact.

Are tackles only invented when people make a catchy name for it?

I dub the tackle below the hypoxilator.


here you go mate....
3 years before the storm were even around..


  • 1995.jpg
    61.8 KB · Views: 27


Suffer all fear mongers. Your years of made up facts have been destroyed by one very incriminating photo that is almost Smith-esq.

As well as a nice little article. Who invented the tackles now?
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Look at that in video. I can gaurantee it accidentally slipped up from the chest. Not a grapple. 1 frame proves nothing.


Look at that in video. I can gaurantee it accidentally slipped up from the chest. Not a grapple. 1 frame proves nothing.

You can guarantee that can you?

Would it matter if it slipped up anyway as he is going to slam him to the ground using an arm around the neck as leverage.


Look at that in video. I can gaurantee it accidentally slipped up from the chest. Not a grapple. 1 frame proves nothing.

A portion of the grapples do slip up from the chest or high tackles..
My simple point is that the storm didn't invent the tackle, there have been many like that in the past and if i could get the footage from old games up on here i would..
Yes the storm have perfected the grapple and yes they started to use it more in 2003 that’s not in contention. But did they invent the grapple tackle god no its been around for years and years.


A grapple is purposefuly doing it!

In previous years tackles that pic you claim to be a grapple were accidental neck contact. Storm did bring the "grapple" into Rugby League.

Pass the Ball

One thing is for sure - It is going to be a blood bath in here between the fans after 9.30 tonight, because either the Storm or the Sharks are going to be losers and the other side, I believe is going to let them know all about it...

Should be quite amusing for a neutral....


A grapple is purposefuly doing it!

In previous years tackles that pic you claim to be a grapple were accidental neck contact. Storm did bring the "grapple" into Rugby League.

No a grapple is unnecessary prolonged contact to the neck it doesn't have to be done intentionally or purposefully.
I would argue that photo shows unnecessary contact with the neck and if the tackle was completed in that fashion and not released immediately and I’ll admit I can't find actual video of that then it is by definition a grapple tackle.

Unneccessary contact with the head or neck, particularly involving any type of wrapping action at any stage of the tackle with result in a penalty.
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As I stated Laurie Daly claimed Storm started this as a tactic in 2003. If you believe he is wrong, write to him and send him some still frame pictures. See what he replies


There is an article and a picture to prove your facts wrong yet you still persist with wanting evidence.

The photo is 8 years older than when the Storm supposedly created the tackle and I doubt pnub looked hard to find it.

Before I randomly watched a 2005 Manly game (yes it is after the grapple was suppose to be invented but I can not get games older than that) and in the five minutes I watched there were two grapples, one from each team. It is not as isolated to the Storm as people like to believe, they just watch games with blinkers on.
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One thing is for sure - It is going to be a blood bath in here between the fans after 9.30 tonight, because either the Storm or the Sharks are going to be losers and the other side, I believe is going to let them know all about it...

Should be quite amusing for a neutral....

Yep...the usual keyboard heroes will be around.

The pathetic sniping will be in full force...:roll:

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