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Suggestions Thread for Next Year's Version


Mario, I have an idea for steping which would be great!!!

Every league fan loves watching evassive lite footed players aka Benji marshal carmichael Hunt, capbell and mclinden I really think we need to incorperate directional stepping!!

I think the best way to do this would just have one step button but if your holding the stick left while you push it u jink left and if u hold it right u step right. This would add so much more depth to open feild running and some amazing trys could be scored!!

With the current step system (which is more of a random shimmy) u dont really feel in control and this animation is really important, one of the most important animations in the game...there really should be about 3 stepping animationas that could be used randamly or even diffrent players step in diffrent ways.

But yeah i think it's an aspect of the game that wouldn't be to difficult to get right but would improve playability 10 fold.



ParraDaze said:
Another couple of suggestions.

Career Mode:

You start with any player you like even a created one and just control that player. If you are under 21 you will start with Jersey Flegg side, if not in premier league. Each week you find out if you are selected. Then you play as yourself then depending on how well you play and how well you follow the gameplan your form rating will increase and you might get promoted.

Ratings system to be atleast partly based on season stats and performance.

I really doubt that would make iT, BUT that would be sooooo FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If there's one thing that should be added it's online/network play, and for it to work best it would want to allow PC, XBox and PS2 users to play on the same networks.


I doubt very much if people on diffrent consoles will be able to play each other, yes its possible but even big american companies have failed to use this feature to date.

Rugby League on Xbox live would be so good I would cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Matt M

Alright I haven't read the rest of this thread (its 18 pages long!)so I don't know if something like this has been mentioned.
- The main problem with the gameplay was that all you could do well in attack was one off runs from the ruck. Setting up any sort of play was very hard. I suggest a system where the ball is always passed to the halfback who stands on the open side of play. But there could be a button that could be pressed to have a forward line up for a hit up so that it isn't passed to the halfback.
- I think the best passing system in any rugby game is in rugby 2001 (although sometimes it stuffed up), where you would tap the button once, twice or whatever for further out players. This is far easier and more accurate as you can always see who you will be passing to because of those little things underneath them (showing how many times you have to tap the button).
- The kicking needs to be improved too. The system in the first game was good but it was just a bit bare.

Matt M

Another few
- Tackling is pretty weird. I think that it should be more like ARL 96 was, where you go up and press tackle and it does a good tackle on them which brings them down easily, either that or you miss and it slows them down. It was far simpler and more realistic. The animation in RL are good but it just isn't that realistic where you either bear hug them or drive them back ten metres. Perhaps the big hit button should be replaced by shoulder charge.
- I think the same button for a forward runner from the ruck (last post) could possibly also be used for a forward runner somewhere else in the play who can be left alone so he is a dummy runner. This would be hard to do but it would be awesome if it worked well.

Matt M

Sorry for the third post in a row but I'm coming up with ideas left, right and centre.
- The Dally M point system is a great idea, and like someone mentioned before it could be used to have teams selected for Origin and Test Matches during the season.
- But another idea to select players for rep teams is, lets say I was Canberra, if I get up to Origin and Canberra are going well, then I get offered to "coach" New South Wales (or QLD), you would get to pick the squad (you could see the season Dally M style stats, and who is available) and then play the games. Then perhaps if you win the premiership you are offered to "coach" the Kangaroos (or another team) on a tour (which would change every season, so one year you might be in Britain playing the Trinations, then the next you are playing New Zealand in Australia). This would make it far more enjoyable as you are actually playing for something more than a nice screen saying "you win!"


I reckon if they slightly improved the game, it would be a winner. This, I believe is what will happen should a sequel be released. I cannot see a game coming out that is Madden or FIFA like. Those games have had 10+ years to be developed.

As many people have said, this game looks like it is still in beta testing. It needed another 6 months or so to be what we all expected it to be. My guess is that Sidhe, unfortunately, would have come close to running out of money towards the end of the project and hence rushed it out onto the market.

The Engineers Room

First Grade
A momentum stat that is based on player weight and power. So when a player is tackled he is propelled forward. It sometimes happens in the existing game. But then the defence is always offside afterwards.


one thing that could improve the game ten fold

from a ruck

for ps2 pad

L1 and R1 is pass to left ball player R1 to right ball player

L2 and R2 pass to props on left or right side of ruck

L1 + L2 to wide running forward left and r1 +r2 to right wide running forward

but using any of these buttons signals recievers to run

pushing the button too early will result in a forward pass
pushing too late will result in flat footed runners

timing the button at the right time will result in forwards hittin the ball at pace and make more yardage


another one

on ps2 pad


assuming pass butons are l1 and r1

L2 and R2 will be decoy buttons for players on the left L2 and right R2

for example using l2 for left

you are the ball player and spot a hole in the defence around 2 player lengths to ur left

you push L2 twice which willl make a teammate 2 players away to make a run into a hole

then you have many options
you can either pass and put him through a hole
you can chip kick
grubbber etc

this will allow linkages between 2 players

you can also use L2 R2 to just make the player run and be a decoy to suck in a defender and then use the overlap by throwing a cut out pass

The Engineers Room

First Grade
Another attribute needed:


This could work in two ways.

1. Players with higher impact ratings will used increased stats but will tire at a faster rate, hence the impact player.

2. During a game in the interchange screen you can adjust the player impact scale and so maybe send in a game breaker that will hopefully make that vital break but will not last very long.

The way it should work is that the increase in stats is much lower in proportion to the increase fatigue of the player so as to reduce the ability of someone to cheat the system.


The only main changes I want are:

1) kicking improvements - I never use bombs and grubbers aren't very controllable. AI needs to improve their kicking too, instead of kicking it from their 20m line to get it out on their 30m line.

2) The computer shouldn't cheat. At the moment, the computer has huge advantages, especially with offloading and with speed (once they make a break, they score - in league god mode, if you make a break, you get tackled almost instantly).


Well Im glad about the announcement, and I thought Id share the things Id most love improvement over the first:

The conversions: I definetly want it more better something like rugby 04.

More stats to give a bit more depth.

choose some set plays as specials, so when you fill up a special bar you can pull off a "special" set play (dont know if this will be liked by many ?)

Andrew Johns not to look so much of an ape :p

And Shoulder charges with the right analog stick like madden 05 kinda.

And like the ESPN NFL 2K5 have something similar to the 2th anniversery mode where you recreate history or change it.

and better create- a....

Um there is tonnes for Mario and company to read up on, and im sure everyone here has plans to make 05 another record for EB and Rugby League :D .


I tell you what I reckon they should add? A kit editor in the game. It would be great for console users, like the template is the doggies jersey but instead of blue and white as the main colours it could be red and white, and change the sponsor of the shirt etc.


I tell you what I reckon they should add? A kit editor in the game. It would be great for console users, like the template is the doggies jersey but instead of blue and white as the main colours it could be red and white, and change the sponsor of the shirt etc.

:clap: I like it
I'd like to see player fitness coming into the game.

For instance, if a player is injured for 3 weeks or more...theym would lose some of their fitness. This would show most with forwards.

Also with injuries....leave the decision to take the player off the field up to the player. Dont make it automatic.....which leads into.....

It would be cool if minor injuries could be shown in how players move and maybe carry over and possible become bigger injuries.

Imagine your prop gets a corked thigh but plays through it (Toughness rating?). he would run with a limp for the rest of the game.

With a shoulder injury a player might not be able to tackle as well on the side of his injured shoulder. Also....if he is left out in the game...he could end up having a minor injury turn into a major injury.


one thing that could improve the game ten fold

from a ruck

for ps2 pad

L1 and R1 is pass to left ball player R1 to right ball player

L2 and R2 pass to props on left or right side of ruck

L1 + L2 to wide running forward left and r1 +r2 to right wide running forward

but using any of these buttons signals recievers to run

pushing the button too early will result in a forward pass
pushing too late will result in flat footed runners

timing the button at the right time will result in forwards hittin the ball at pace and make more yardage

I really like this idea. I think more control from dummy half is a must and these ideas really are excellent ones.

As with the player injury idea by nospam49, I like that also. I think if a player gets injured no matter to what extent it is, some sort of notification should come up on screen. This could also work with fatigue as well. So say it's 25 minutes into the game and Jason Stevens has been playing the whole thing...a message comes up in the corner of the screen saying "Jason Stevens fatigue level: 80%" or something to that effect. Fatigue will effect his game which will be represented visually with slower running and heavy breathing...perhaps even cutscenes of Stevens with his hands on his hips. Once interchanged for an injury or fatigue, their injury/fatigue meter should begin to increase which you will be able to see in the interchange screen. If a player cops a minor injury, once rested he begins to slowly become available for later on in the game (i.e. sideline report "Nigel Vagana has suffered a minor knee injury, but doctors say he will return to the field some time in the second half.")

With commentary and names being read out, rather than the computer matching created player names with the database of recorded names, you should be able to have your name as it will be written on screen and a seperate recorded name. For example, in Legends of Wrestling, you could type in your name and then go through the commentary database, selecting a first name and a surname for the announcer to speak. (e.g. I create David Simmons, but the name spelt 'Simmons' isn't in the database, so I search the recorded names database and find 'Simmonds.' His name appears on screen as David Simmons, but if he touches the ball in game, his name is spoken as Simmonds.)

Another idea that I think is a must is the creation of your own gameplan in franchise mode so that you have complete control over everything your team does. For example, say I come in to coach Cronulla, at the season opening I have the option to set up the way my team plays. First, my defensive pattern may be set to slide defence, up and in/umbrella defence, centre rush defence with three-quarters holding back, etc. I then choose my attack, playing second rowers as extra centres in the more modern style of play, or play in the classic style with all the forwards attacking close to the ruck with a complete back-line. I might elect Brett Kimmorley and Adam Dykes to play on opposite sides of the field, or to work together...or I might elect for David Peachey to play as an extra ball player. This way the game plan can be completely customised so that I can play the game in the way that I want it to be.

On top of this, i'd like to see a feature where you can see the opposing teams line-up for the next match so that I may target some players. For example, I might come up against Souths and notice that Roy Bell and Shannon Hegarty are both playing on the same side of the field. From seeing this I might choose to play Vince Mellars and Paul Mellor (two huge three-quarters) opposite from them in order to exploit the size differences. Or, I may come against the Warriors and have Todd Byrne and Vinnie Anderson on the same side (two relatively slow outside backs) and then bring in Nathan Merrit and Nigel Vagana to exploit their lack of speed. This way, strategy becomes a major part of the game which will add an extra dimension and set it apart from their competition in the EA Sports Rugby games.

Another major thing I'd like to see as visual component is TV style presentation of each game. So, for example, we could open with shots of both team's logo with a voice over about who is playing. Then a shot of the outside of the stadium and the inside, landmarks at each stadium (such as the league's club at Campbelltown, the powerlines at Cronulla, etc) while the team lists appear on screen with Andrew Voss running over the line-ups before both teams run out onto the field with shots of some of the players jumping about, side-stepping, etc before the attacking team kicks off. With this feature involved, each game would appear to be much like a real-life game, lending atmosphere and a sense of occasion for grand finals/state of origins if fireworks were included.

Hopefully these suggestions get passed on to SIDHE. Congrats on the work you guys have done so far and best of luck with the rest of the development process.

Red Bear

One thing which is probly too late would be form ratings, eg they have there stats as normal but then have for next to that as how well they have been playing.