Eww....49'ers fan.
Eww....49'ers fan.
Kill it with fire!
Great jersey, what a champion!!
Better than being an Eels fan at the moment.
Better than being an Eels fan at the moment.
This man knows. :thumb
Seahawks > 49ers.
Who am I kidding? They're gonna kill us on Monday.
It doesn't matter who wins, Denver's got dis.
Brother, it'll be all the sweeter going through these lows when we finally lift the trophy in 2045...because all other 15 clubs were caught cheating the cap and popping pills...
Ah, who am I kidding? All remaining 15 clubs could cheat the cap and do ElephantJuice and we would still find a way to f**k it up and win the Spoon.
If we can learn that there's 4 quarters to a game and not 2, we may be in with a shot.
My new love
Never taking it off.