Small stores are the same, except bigger jerks when they want to be...Nah. Normally we have the products we want for Xmas and it's too late to order anything new anyway. So reps just get in the way of dealing with massive changeovers and hordes of jerk faces.
Might not be the same in small stores but
Obviously some lads here who know their booze.
Wondering if any of you could point someone (me) who hates gin towards a good pressy for someone who loves the stuff?
I got no idea whats good and at this late stage will probably just hit Dan Murphy's up for whatever looks special and costs too much.
It tastes very similar I'd imagine, and loads cheaper:
You're welcome.
Mate I agree 100% I can't stomach the smell of the stuff, let alone the taste! For me it smells like perfume from the dollar shop and matches up on the pallet.
My really good friend loves the stuff but and I can't think of anything else to get her in like 5 days. I'll be at the grog shop Wednesday arvo and with advice like your's it looks like I'll be purchasing based on how pretty and/or sparkly the bottle is.