Bought a subscription to the NRL Live app on a whim, not a bad little piece of kit! Much more reliable than the dodgy illegal streams.
I have two!
Dammit I don't want Benji at the TahsWe already got rid of Beale, we don't need another overpaid, underperforming touch footballer.
Downloading Sharknado. Pretty pumped
Oh so tempted!
Doesn't HAVE to be the spare room :sarcasm:
Still got it!
Apu: [While they ride to Canada] Homer! Please tell Mr. Ned to stop trying to convert me!
Ned Flanders: I was just saying how brave he is to worship a false god!
Apu: I do not worship one god, okay? I worship a whole super team of deities that--[Flanders pinches] OW, ow! Okay, he just pinched me!
Ned Flanders: Where's your super team, now?
Homer: Listen, you two! I'll you both who the true God is, if you're both quiet for the rest of the trip! [Ned and Apu protest] All right, I'm coming back there! [Unbuckles seatbelt and leaves driver's wheel to go to the back seat. The van swerves uncontrollably through traffic]
Apu: Save me, Shiva!
Ned Flanders: Why don't you just call for Hawkman?
Apu: Why don't you just shut up!?
I was homeless when I was 17 for about 5 months. Sleeping on mates lounges and the beach when I had no where else. That was about on par with living with a girl
I've lived between my parents houses for the last of 20 years, between the ages of 8 (When my parents got divorced) until about 16 I slept on a couch every time I visited my dad, he couldn't afford his own place and he lived with his brother (My uncle). Now, I live with my dad permanently that he has his own place. He's married now to, so there's six of us living here. The house is never quiet and never alone.
I'll say one thing. Divorce sucks and living between two places (Essentially two lives) sucks even more. I literally felt like a different person with each parent I was with.
Bought a subscription to the NRL Live app on a whim, not a bad little piece of kit! Much more reliable than the dodgy illegal streams.
he'll be broken soon enough
does that mean anasta is at 6 next year? lol
Basically any movie Hulk Hogan was ever inI like movies that are made with good intentions but just turn out hilariously shit.