[While they ride to Canada] Homer! Please tell Mr. Ned to stop trying to convert me!
Ned Flanders: I was just saying how brave he is to worship a false god!
Apu: I do not worship one god, okay? I worship a whole super team of deities that--
[Flanders pinches] OW, ow! Okay, he just pinched me!
Ned Flanders: Where's your super team, now?
Homer: Listen, you two! I'll you both who the true God is,
if you're both quiet for the rest of the trip!
[Ned and Apu protest] All right,
I'm coming back there! [Unbuckles seatbelt and leaves driver's wheel to go to the back seat. The van swerves uncontrollably through traffic]
Apu: Save me, Shiva!
Ned Flanders: Why don't you just call for Hawkman?
Apu: Why don't you just shut up!?