interesting K9 subgraph there... yeah, i'm bored shitless.
Never come across that before, though I've come across other schemes that try and classify people into nice, neat little boxes. My general view is that people are not that simple, and the deeper you delve, the less any such scheme will actually prove to be useful or accurate.
When I was younger, I thought the sun shone out of my own arse. I was 10 foot tall and bulletproof.
Then I had an illness which sent me blind for a bit. I'm still blind in one eye, but some of my vision has recovered.
Anyway, that sort of shit will change your perspective. Things that were important... Aren't so important anymore and when you have ongoing eye dominance issues that affect things like depth perception and even your ability to catch a ball, it kind of forces you to admit your fallibility.
This. I have a heap of friends who are psych majors and think this sort of shit is the be all and end all. I wish people were that simple, but they aren't.
When I was younger, I thought the sun shone out of my own arse. I was 10 foot tall and bulletproof.
Then I had an illness which sent me blind for a bit. I'm still blind in one eye, but some of my vision has recovered.
Anyway, that sort of shit will change your perspective. Things that were important... Aren't so important anymore and when you have ongoing eye dominance issues that affect things like depth perception and even your ability to catch a ball, it kind of forces you to admit your fallibility.
On a positive note at least you're now a chance of being signed up by Parramatta
On a positive note at least you're now a chance of being signed up by Parramatta
I just remembered you didn't exactly get along with your parents.
I ask cos I care. I don't really have friends. Lots of love to give but no one wants it.
Why is it so firking depressing in here today?
I would be the best player at the Eels.
Whoops... There I go again.
When I first joined the Army at 19 I thought the same, after some deployments and losing some mates then my daughter having heart surgery etc my attitude to life changed a lot. I think the appreciation for life I gained back then really drove home my heart attack earlier this year, it reminded me of the fragility our life really is.
Exactly! You cared way more than anyone else and remembered something I probs only mentioned in passing. By contrast my so called best friend has only spoken to me once in the last three months, and that was when she wrongly assumed id pit myself in hospital deliberately and only tell me she refused to have any part in it. So yeah, I reckon youre pretty awesomeI just remembered you didn't exactly get along with your parents.
I ask cos I care. I don't really have friends. Lots of love to give but no one wants it.
El D sure can track down any mention of the AFL, no matter which forum it occurs in...
I used to be alot worse in terms of self esteem, took me awhile and the help of few people to realise that i wouldn't have much problem if i knew what i was actually doing. It's not being able to tune a radio and beign too petrified to introduce myself to somone is holding me back instead of resembling a yeti lol
Had to lol at this. I like to think I'm a decent bloke, I can definitely hold a conversation better than most people and I seem to make friends easily enough, but when it comes to picking up, absolutely hopeless. I guess that's what wingmen are for eh.
I'm hopeless at conversation starters and meeting new people, however once I get going I'm okay and I'm good around people I know.
If only half the FFB knew each other personally, some of you guys would make pretty kick-ass friends compared to the rubbish friends I've dealt with.
I have the world's worst wingmen. They're all married or in long term relationships, so never go out past 7pm unless it is to the footy. Then when they do help me out (and help is used very liberally there), it is to some skitzo who should of been locked up a decade ago or someone who is over a decade older.
Forever alone. Meh, I'll just get some cats so when die they will hve something to eat for a week...