Pffft. HD's?
What a noob.
Why stress over HD's when a pass is all you need?
passing a subject is easy, provided you put in the time.
demonstrating a comprehensive knowledge in the field you are studying (eg getting Distinctions & High Distinctions) is a lot harder as it requires you to put in time AND effort..
and whilst both a pass or a HD will get you the same piece of paper, there are differences.
1) any company worth their salt will ask for a transcript of results if you are applying for a job there. particularly if you are looking to enter through a graduate program, your scores will count.
2) if you have demonstrated a higher learning capability, you will have taken more out of your degree and hence be able to apply more in a real world scenario, which is where the real payback for study comes into play..
and i'll leave you with this thought:
you are being wheeled in to an operating theatre for open heart surgery. out in front of your bed you hear two surgeons talking - both are doing the same operation, but on different patients in different rooms. it is both of their first time conducting this operation solo. one will be your surgeon.
in their discussion you hear that one passed his surgery degree with an HD average. the other just scraped through with a pass.
which surgeon do you want working on you?