beer break.
in the middle of a massive stupid take home assignment that is much more consuming than what the unit chair made it out to be..
beer tastes so damn nice though.
gives me the incentive to hurry up and finish it!
Completing uni assesments, SGL style. You need:
- late night TV
- 1x case of Hahn Ice
- 1x flagon of McWilliams RR port in reserve if Hahn Ice runs out
- computer connected to Wikipedia
Wait until the night before the assesment is due. Knock off 3-4 Hahn Ices to get the creative juices flowing. Open Wikipedia to the page on your assessment topic, and scroll down to references (good to use these as "your own". Just don't quote from the Wikipedia article itself). Turn on TV, and start consuming Hahn Ice at a steady pace. Start writing article. The beer consumption will help you ignore the inner voice telling you to proof read your article. Take a break to watch Division 4, more Hahn Ice. Continue beer consumption and writing until assessment complete. Hand in assessment, then go rape the uni bar a new one...