Boyd is one of the most dislikeable players in the game. Pretty decent player when he wants to be but just carries himself like a wanker.
Maybe it's just 20 years of watching the game but I'm pretty sick of almost every broadcaster associated with league at present, in fact the whole coverage. I much prefer some of the programs I hear from the states on baseball. More interesting hosts, more interesting players as well. The broadcasting of league is largely terrible, not helped but how little interest I have in hearing people who can potentially offer good insight, the players, speak, because bar a few of them they are terrible interviews. Tim Mannah is actually pretty decent, Gallen when not in whinge mode speaks surprisingly well and Cherry Evans isn't so bad either from memory, but mostly they are shockers.
I'm also not sure Bennett's heart has ever quite been in it at Newcastle. Get the impression a bit like at the end of his tenure at the Broncos that he has the shits with the general attitude of the playing group.