I think my daughter is left handed. Have thought so for nearly three or four months now.
Any parents out there care to let me know how early you can 'tell' what hand they use? Or is her preference for using her left hand just coincidence right now?
too early
maybe she is ambidextrous
no biggy though
grab yourself a bucket of tennis balls and start pegging them at her..
she'll start to favour one hand to defend herself from the attack of the bright yellow balls, which should give you some indication..
then you'll know for sure when she starts throwing the balls back at you in anger.. (yep, you're even fast tracking her gross motor skills)
and the best part about it, if you do it young enough, they'll never remember you did it..
of course i'm kidding!!!!
Only backing winners today. Beejays Cafe Marrickville.
I think my daughter is left handed. Have thought so for nearly three or four months now.
Any parents out there care to let me know how early you can 'tell' what hand they use? Or is her preference for using her left hand just coincidence right now?
grab yourself a bucket of tennis balls and start pegging them at her..
she'll start to favour one hand to defend herself from the attack of the bright yellow balls, which should give you some indication..
then you'll know for sure when she starts throwing the balls back at you in anger.. (yep, you're even fast tracking her gross motor skills)
and the best part about it, if you do it young enough, they'll never remember you did it..
of course i'm kidding!!!!
then we wouldn't have had the great Michael bevanAs a cricketer, left handers should be banned.
There are benefits to being left handed. It opens up whole new areas of the brain.
"training" kids to be right handed is unnecessary and archaic.
all polar bears are left handed
There are benefits to being left handed. It opens up whole new areas of the brain.
"training" kids to be right handed is unnecessary and archaic.
As a cricketer, left handers should be banned.
I wonder which hand they spank the monkey with!
So today I have learnt you are into trannies and beastiality