I disagree with the notion that shitty metal written for teenagers is not actually metal. Metalheads all too often try to segregate subgenres they don't like as not-metal or somehow lesser so it doesn't taint their precious view of what metal *should* be.
^ (Mostly) Not directed at you Eele, just a general statement. However.. i dont give the slightest shit about Slipknot but you can't tell me this isnt a metal song
I like some of Slipknot's songs, and I don't mean to put them in a sub-genre.
But I do think that sometimes they "phone it in" and just try to play as hard and fast as possible, and people say, "Oh! Metal!", and while I guess it's not technically incorrect, there is so much more to metal as a genre than being heavy.
I think Slipknot has some genuinely talented musicians in its midst, but I lament that they write simple and repetitive songs, because they are clearly talented enough to do better than that.
My personal definition of metal is that it is music that is defined by purity and musicianship - with a handful of obvious exceptions (Metallica being the most obvious one), metal bands don't make it as big as bands as Slipknot because (and this is just my opinion) they keep the ideals of metal flowing through their work - they write great solos and riffs, use drumming signatures and changes that don't translate well to "pop" metal, etc.
Having said that, listening to a dude play a 20-minute guitar solo is a wank. There needs to be artistry and chemistry involved for it to be metal IMO.
I didn't mean to criticise those aforentioned bands, because I like a few of them myself - Deftones are awesome, I listened to a bit if Slipknot when I was younger, and SOAD were the shit back in the day.
I was trying to explain why some "true" metal heads would behave the way they do, even if if doesn't make sense.
I remember when I was 15 or so, Coal Chamber was my favourite band ever. The "true" metal heads I used to hang out with made fun of me for liking that shit lol. They were into early Dimmu Borgir, Satyricon, etc. and claimed my tastes weren't metal. But they would offer no explanation further than that.
Looking back now, my tastes have changed a lot since then.