I'm on Youth Allowance, so I am pulling society down while I carry the weight of a group assignment on my shoulders!
The funniest (or saddest) part was that for this assignment we weren't given much of an assignment description. It was one tiny paragraph. We had to build a database for a theoretical general practice clinic. The whole point was that in the tutorials we'd have a dialogue with the tutors about what the database was going to require. He'd tell us stuff and we'd ask questions in an interview-like setting. Much like you would in the real world for software development, having meetings with users, clients, stakeholders.
So 1 week before it was due someone in the group who spent all the tutorials talking loud enough that I could barely pay attention myself, or just didn't even turn up, is like "what are we meant to be doing for this assignment, there isn't much in the assignment description"... :crazy:
This person was also apparently complaining about the fact that we started the assignment so late (a few days before it was due essentially) blaming me for this. I had a bunch of assignments in the 2 weeks before this one was due so I was busy working on them and told them as such. There are 5 people in the group and the other 4 could have started whenever the f**k they wanted :lol: But the reality is 2 of them never paid attention in the tutorials and made it difficult for me to do so, 1 never turned up to tutorials period, and the other tried his best but ultimately didn't really know what he was doing either. So essentially this person was annoyed that it was being started late despite not doing anything for it all semester themselves. A few weeks ago I even said to them that we should all just create the beginnings of a database that has the basic tables to a get a feel for what we're doing. Two weeks later, despite having a f**kload more to do than them, I was the only one who had tried to do it....
Yeah it's my fault guys :crazy: