and in other news (ie me, me, me, me)
stupid late touch football games... can't friggin sleep due to running around so late at night..
so basically doing the 'drown my consciousness in beer' thing i have to do after these games... which undoes any health / fitness benefit i just got.. plus makes work tomorrow a trifle harder...
but sitting here with a bag of frozen peas on the ankle (stupid side-step) and doing my best to down a 6 pack of kronenbourg before midnight..
speaking of the beer, i stopped in at a bottleshop on the way home to pick some up - after a lighter lager for my binge session - was tossing up between the k-bergs & asahi.. chose the french ones..
after 1st sip, new i should have gone the asahi...
anyway, off to king-hit my liver...