who cares ?
It's a sad day for our nation when a grown man can't piss into his own mouth. Maybe JM has a point. Each man is entitled to the sweat of his brow and all that.
I know you're being humourous, but I really don't see what the controversy is about. He's not hurting anybody pissing in his own mouth.
Piss drinking is better than scum wife beaters like Inglis and Lui
Inglis is not a scum wife beater. He is not a wife beater at all. Those who insist on saying he is are lower forms of scum than him.
You cannot be serious when you mention Lui and Inglis in the same breath. That's the equivalent of saying Abbott is as much of a right wing monster as Hitler.
Inglis is not a scum wife beater. He is not a wife beater at all.